CfA: „Challenges of Data Collection, Re-use, and Analysis: Public Opinion, Political Debates, and Protests in the Context of the Russo-Ukrainian War"
The Research Centre for East European Studies (FSO), Bremen, 25-27.08.2025
19:00 Uhr, Theater Bremen, Foyer Großes Haus
"White But Not Quite": Gibt es antiosteuropäischen Rassismus?
mit Autor Ivan Kalmar
Einführung: Klaas Anders, Moderation: Anke Hilbrenner
18:15 Uhr, IW3 0330 / Zoom
Muriel Nägler
Einführung für Studierende
Buchvorstellung und Gespräch/ Kolloquium
18:00 Uhr, Europapunkt
Ein Russland nach Putin?
mit Jens Siegert und Susanne Schattenberg
CfP: Coming to the Surface or Going Underground? Art Practices, Actors, and Lifestyles in the Soviet Union of the 1950s-1970s
The Research Centre for East European Studies (FSO), Bremen, November 13-14, 2025
“Export pipelines from the CIS region.
National debates, political decision-making and geopolitics”
8th Changing Europe Summer School
in Almaty (Kazakhstan), 11th – 18th August 2013
organized by the Central Asian Foundation for the Development of Democracy, Almaty
and the Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen
with financial support from the Volkswagen Foundation
Participants and Papers
Papers have been published in the Changing Europe book series.
Farkhod Aminjonov (Balsillie School of International Affairs, Waterloo, Canada)
Along the way towards maximally secure Central Asian energy systems: challenges and opportunities
Lusine Badalyan (Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen, Germany)
The EU’s engagement in the South Caucasus Subcomplex: changing the energy securitization choices of the South Caucasian states
Boris Barkanov (West Virginia University, USA)
Cartel on the horizon? The politics of Russian statehood, cooperation with Turkmenistan and producer collusion in natural gas
Inna Chuvychkina (Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen, Germany)
An actor-centered institutionalist approach to pipeline policies of Russia
Irina Kustova (University of Trento, Italy)
EU energy policy towards the Caspian region: assessing the Southern Gas Corridor
Kateryna Malygina (Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen, Germany)
The struggle over Ukraine’s gas transit pipeline network through the lenses of securitization theory
Andras Molnar (Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary)
Russian foreign energy policy under Vladimir Putin
Mikko Palonkorpi (Aleksanteri Institute/University of Helsinki, Finland)
Matter of mind? Securitizing regional energy interdependencies
Eric Pardo Sauvageot (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Energy Disputes between Russia and Ukraine: A Case Study of Russian Policy Making
Rufat Rustamov (Gandja State University, Azerbaijan)
The political assessment of Azerbaijani natural gas pipeline routes to Europe
Niels Smeets (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Opening up the black box. Russia’s energy security complex
Paolo Sorbello (University of Glasgow, UK)
Pipelines, hegemony and regionalism in the Caspian: a neo-Gramscian appraisal
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» Annexion der Krim
» sowjetischem Truppenabzug aus der DDR
» Mauerfall 1989