Corruption in post-socialist societies
Duration: 2000 - 2013, contact person: Prof. Heiko PleinesThe project comprised several case studies of corruption networks between business and state, mainly in post-Soviet states. It tries to assess the underlying patterns of behaviour and causal mechanisms and is based on a broad review of the relevant literature.
Project members have been working as external experts for Transparency International and Global Integrity.
A graduate colloquium on „Informal networks, corruption and political regimes“ has been attached to the project from 2011 to 2013.
Pleines, Heiko (2017): Preface, in: Johannes Leitner, Hannes Meissner (eds.): State Capture, Political Risks and International Business. Cases from Black Sea Region Countries, London (Routledge), xix – xxv.
Pleines, Heiko / Wöstheinrich, Ronja (2016): The International–domestic Nexus in Anti-corruption Policy Making: The Case of Caspian Oil and Gas States, in: Europe-Asia Studies 68:2, 291-311.
Aasland, Aadne / Grødeland, Åse Berit / Pleines, Heiko (2012): Trust and Informal Practice among Elites in East Central Europe, South East Europe and the West Balkans, Europe-Asia Studies, 64:1, 115-143.
Pleines, Heiko (2012): The role of corruption in the governance of the oil and gas industry, in: Heinrich, Andreas / Pleines, Heiko (eds): Challenges of the Caspian resource boom. Domestic elites and policy-making, Houndmills (Palgrave Macmillan). 205-216.
Mansfeldová, Zdenka / Pleines, Heiko (2011) (eds): Informal relations from democratic representation to corruption. Case studies from Central and Eastern Europe, Stuttgart (Ibidem).
Pleines, Heiko (2008): Manipulating politics. Domestic investors in Ukrainian privatisation auctions 2000-2004, in: Europe-Asia Studies 60:7, 1177-1197.
Pleines, Heiko (2007): Informelle Einflussnahme und Demokratie in Russland, in: Hamersky, Heidrun u.a. (Hg.): Eine andere Welt? Kultur und Politik in Osteuropa 1945 bis heute. Festschrift für Wolfgang Eichwede, Stuttgart (Ibidem), 289-296.
Schmidt, Diana (2007): Anti-corruption - what do we know? Research on Anti-corruption in Eastern Europe, in: Political Studies Review 5:2, 202-232.
Schmidt, Diana (2007): Anti-Corruption Advocacy in Russia? Local Civil Society Actors between International and Domestic Contexts, in: Fischer, Sabine / Pleines, Heiko / Schröder, Hans-Henning (2007) (eds): Movements, Migrants, Marginalisation. Challenges of societal and political participation in Eastern Europe and the enlarged EU, Stuttgart (Ibidem), 83-99.
Kusznir, Julia / Pleines, Heiko (2006): Informal networks in Ukraine's privatisation auctions, in: KICES Working Papers No.6, 37-51.
Pleines, Heiko (2005): Informelle Einflußnahme und Demokratie. Wirtschaftsakteure in Rußland und der Ukraine, in: Osteuropa 55:10, 99-108.
Pleines, Heiko (2005): Informalisierung statt Institutionalisierung von Reformen? Zur Rolle von Korruption am Beispiel der Unternehmensbesteuerung, in: Höhmann, Hans-Hermann u.a. (Hg.): Nur ein Ölboom? Bestimmungsfaktoren und Perspektiven der russischen Wirtschaft, Münster (LIT), 247-258.
Surdej, Aleksander (2005): Sources of Corruption in Post-Communist Poland, in: Working Papers of the Research Centre for East European No. 65, 5-20.
Gadowska, Kaja (2005): Clientelism in the Silesian Coal Mining Industry, in: Working Papers of the Research Centre for East European Studies No. 65, 21-50.
Pleines, Heiko (2002): Banks and illegal activities, in: Lane, David (ed.): The Russian Banking Sector. Evolution, Problems and Prospects, Cheltenham (Edward Elgar Publishing), 119-136.
Pleines, Heiko (2002): Verhaltensmuster russischer Unternehmer und Bürokraten als wirtschaftskulturelle Probleme für die Steuerreform, in: Höhmann, Hans-Hermann (Hg.): Wirtschaft und Kultur im Transformationsprozeß, Bremen (Edition Temmen), 199-220.
Pleines, Heiko (2001): Korruption und organisierte Kriminalität, in: Höhmann, Hans-Hermann / Schröder, Hans-Henning (Hg.): Russland unter neuer Führung, Münster (Agenda-Verlag), 281-290.
Pleines, Heiko (2001): Korruptionsnetzwerke in der russischen Wirtschaft, in: Höhmann, Hans-Hermann (Hg.): Kultur als Bestimmungsfaktor der Transformation im Osten Europas, Bremen (Edition Temmen), 141-156.
Pleines, Heiko (2000): Large-scale corruption and rent-seeking in the Russian banking sector, in: Ledeneva, Alena / Kurkchiyan, Marina (eds): Economic crime in Russia, The Hague (Kluwer), 191-207.
Pleines, Heiko (2000): Corruption networks in the Russian economy, in: Slovo 12 (special issue), 104-120.
Pleines, Heiko (1999): Geregelte Regelverletzung. Korruption und informelle Netzwerke in Rußland, in: Höhmann, Hans-Hermann (Hg.): Eine unterschätzte Dimension? Zur Rolle wirtschaftskultureller Faktoren in der osteuropäischen Transformation, Bremen (Edition Temmen), 177-192.
Pleines, Heiko (1999): Corruption and crime in the Russian oil industry, in: Lane, David (ed.): The Russian oil industry, Lanham/Oxford (Rowman & Littlefield), 97-110.
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