Dr. Andreas Heinrich
senior academic researcher
CRC 1342 Global Dynamics of Social Policy
Project B06: External reform models and internal debates on the new conceptualisation of social policy in the post-Soviet region
Room 3720 / Phone 0421-218-57071
Research interests
- Energy sector of the former Soviet Union
- International energy conflicts
- International political economy
- Political regimes with democratic constitutions and authoritarian tendencies
- Knowledge transfer of international organisations
- Healthcare policy
Curriculum Vitae
1990 – 1997: Studies of East European History, Political Sciences and Sociology at the Ruhr University Bochum, Germany.
1998 – 2001: Researcher, Institute for East European Studies, Free University of Berlin, Germany.
2003: Ph.D. in Political Science from the Institute for East European Studies, Free University of Berlin, Germany. Topic: Global influences and business behaviour. The corporate governance of the Russian oil and gas sector.
2003 – 2008: Research associate, Institute for World Economics and International Management (IWIM), University of Bremen, Germany.
2005 – 2009: Senior researcher, Koszalin Institute of Comparative European Studies (KICES), Koszalin, Poland.
2006 – 2007: Residential fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC, USA.
2008: Residential fellow within the National Scholarship Programme of the Government of the Slovak Republic at the Institute of Sociology, Academy of Science, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Since 2009: Researcher, Department of Politics and Economics, Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen.
2011: Residential fellow within the E.ON Ruhrgas Scholarship Programme at the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies (Institutt for Forsvarsstudier, IFS), Oslo, Norway.
Since 2018: Senior researcher, Collaborative Research Centre 1342 “Global Dynamics of Social Policy”, Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen.
Subproject B06: “External reform models and internal debates on the new conceptualization of social policy in the post-Soviet region”.
Globale Einflußfaktoren auf das Unternehmensverhalten. Die corporate governance des russischen Erdöl- und Erdgassektors [Global influences on enterprise behaviour: the corporate governance of the Russian oil and gas sector]. Münster: Lit Verlag 2004 (Osteuropa: Geschichte, Wirtschaft, Politik, Band 36).
Die sozialistische Transformation der Ukraine, 1917-1934. Analyse der politischen, ökonomischen und sozialen Veränderungen vom Zusammenbruch des Zarenreiches bis zum Abschluß der Kollektivierung [The Socialist Transformation of the Ukraine, 1917-1934. Analysis of the Political, Economic and Social Change from the Breakdown of the Russian Empire to the End of Collectivisation]. Marburg: Tectum Verlag 1997 (Edition Wissenschaft; Reihe Geschichte, Band 32).
Edited Volumes
Export Pipelines from the CIS Region: Geopolitics, Securitization, and Political Decision-Making. Stuttgart: ibidem, 2014 [together with Heiko Pleines].
Challenges of the Caspian Resource Boom: Domestic Elites and Policy-making. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012 [together with Heiko Pleines].
Journal Articles
"Debates about export pipelines from the post-Soviet region: Opinion leaders and advocacy coalitions", in: Extractive Industries and Society, 8(4), 2021 [together with Heiko Pleines]
“The Agency of Recipient Countries in Transnational Policy-related Knowledge Transfer: From Conditionality to Elaborated Autonomous Policy Learning”, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 54 (3), 2021, 51–72 [together with Gulnaz Isabekova, Armin Müller, Heiko Pleines and Tobias ten Brink].
“International Knowledge Transfer and Learning in Social Policy: The Case of the post-Soviet Region”, Global Social Policy, 21(1), 2021, 3–8.
“The Advice They Give: Knowledge Transfer of International Organisations in Countries of the Former Soviet Union”, Global Social Policy, 21(1), 2021, 9–33.
“Challenges for the Management of Qualitative and Quantitative Data: The Example of Social Policy-related Data Collections”, Global Social Policy, 21(1), 2021, 138–143 [together with Eduard Klein].
“Transparency and Quality Assessment of Research Data in post-Soviet Area Studies: The Potential of an Interactive Online Platform”, Journal of Eurasian Studies, 10(2), 2019, 136–146 [together with Felix Herrmann and Heiko Pleines].
“The Meaning of ‘Limited Pluralism’ in Media Reporting under Authoritarian Rule”, Politics and Governance, 6(2), 2018, 103–111 [together with Heiko Pleines].
“Die Rolle der Pipeline-Netzwerke in Zentralasien für die Energieversorgung Europas und Chinas” [The Role of the Central Asian Pipeline Networks for the Energy Supply of Europe and China], Zeitschrift für Weltgeschichte, 18(2), 2017, 197–213.
“Mixing Geopolitics and Business: How Ruling Elites in the Caspian States Justify Their Choice of Export Pipelines”, Journal of Eurasian Studies, 6(2), 2015, 107–113 [together with Heiko Pleines].
“Herausforderungen statt Fluch: Neue Ansätze zum Rentierstaat” [Challenges Instead of a Curse: New Rentier State Approaches], WeltTrends, 22(97), 2014, 29–37 [together with Heiko Pleines].
“Weder Fluch noch Segen. Die Steuerung des Ölbooms im postsowjetischen Raum” [Neither Curse nor Blessing: Oil Booms in the Post-Soviet Region], Osteuropa, 63(7), 2013, 87–100 [together with Heiko Pleines].
“Resource challenges. Die politische Dimension von Ölbooms” [Resource Challenges: The Political Dimension of Oil Booms], Neue Politische Literatur, 57(3), 2012, 443–477 [together with Heiko Pleines].
“Under the Kremlin’s Thumb: Does Increased State Control in the Russian Gas Sector Endanger European Energy Security?”, Europe-Asia Studies, 60(9), 2008, 1539–1574.
“Measuring Corporate Governance on the Firm Level: What Kind of Index Do You Need?”, Osteuropa Wirtschaft, 51(1), 2006, 66–82.
“Russian Companies in Old EU Member States: The Case of Germany”, Journal of East-West Business, 11(3-4), 2005, 41–60.
“Why Corporate Governance in the Russian Oil and Gas Industry Is Improving”, Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 5(4), 2005, 3–9.
“Globalisierung und corporate governance. Rußlands Erdöl- und Erdgassektors” [Globalization and Corporate Governance. Russia’s Oil and Gas Sector], Osteuropa, 54(9-10), 2004, 355–365.
“Internationalisation of Russia’s Gazprom”, Journal for East European Management Studies, 8(1), 2003, 46–66.
“Foreign Investment and National Interests in the Russian Oil and Gas Industry”, Post-Communist Economies, 14(4), 2002, 495–507 (together with Julia Kusznir and Heiko Pleines).
“The European Natural Gas Market in the Next Decade – An Overview”, Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung/ Quarterly Journal of Economic Research, 68(4), 1999, 526–542.
“Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Kazachstans 1992-1998” [The Economic Development of Kazakhstan 1992-1998], Osteuropa Wirtschaft, 44(3), 1999, 257–275.
“Der ungeklärte rechtliche Status des Kaspischen Meeres” [The Unresolved Legal Status of the Caspian Sea], Osteuropa, 49(7), 1999, 671–683.
“Die Drogenmafia in der GUS” [The Drug Mafia in the CIS], Osteuropa, 47(1), 1997, 63–70 [together with Heiko Pleines].
Non peer-reviewed
“Energieprobleme in Russlands Beziehungen mit Belarus” [Energy issues in Russia’s relations with Belarus], Belarus-Analysen (http://www.laender-analysen.de/belarus/), No. 33, 27 September 2017, 12–16.
“Energy issues in Russia’s relations with Belarus”, Russian Analytical Digest (http://www.res.ethz.ch/analysis/rad/), No. 206, 12 September 2017, 14–18.
“Auf dem Weg zu einer gemeinsamen EU Energiepolitik? Debatten über Energiesicherheit in Polen und Deutschland” [Toward a Common EU Energy Policy? Debates about Energy Security in Poland and Germany], Polen-Analysen (http://www.laender-analysen.de/polen/), No. 190, 1 November 2016 [together with Julia Kusznir, Aleksandra Lis, Heiko Pleines, Karen Smith Stegen and Kacper Szulecki].
“Exportoptionen für russisches Erdgas nach dem Scheitern von South Stream” [Export Options after the Failure of South Stream], Russland-Analysen (http://www.russlandanalysen.de), No. 303, 23 October 2015, 2–5.
“Argumente und Debatten? Die Medienberichterstattung in Kasachstan und Turkmenistan zu Exportpipelines aus der Kaspischen Region” [Arguments and Debates: Media Reporting in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan about Export Pipelines from the Caspian Sea], Zentralasien-Analysen (http://www.laender-analysen.de/zentralasien/), No. 74, 28 February 2014, 7–12 [together with Heiko Pleines].
“Weder Fluch noch Segen: Die politischen Herausforderungen des Erdölbooms in Kasachstan” [Neither Curse Nor Blessing: The Political Challenges of the Oil Boom in Kazakhstan], Zentralasien-Analysen (http://www.laender-analysen.de/zentralasien/), No. 57, 28 September 2012, 2–8 [together with Heiko Pleines].
“Die politischen Herausforderungen eines Erdölbooms: Ressourcenfluch und politische Stabilität in Russland” [The Political Challenges of an Oil Boom: Resource Curse and Political Stability in Russia], Russland-Analysen (http://www.russlandanalysen.de), No. 240, 15 June 2012, 7–14 [together with Heiko Pleines].
“The Political Challenges of an Oil Boom: the Resource Curse and Political Stability in Russia”, Russian Analytical Digest (http://www.res.ethz.ch/analysis/rad/), No. 113, 15 May 2012, 2–8 [together with Heiko Pleines].
“Russlands Exportpipelines: Diversifizierung oder Bestandssicherung?” [Russia’s Export Pipelines: Diversification or Preservation of the status quo?], Russland-Analysen (http://www.russlandanalysen.de), No. 217, 25 March 2011, 18–23.
“The Formal Political System in Azerbaijan”, Caucasus Analytical Digest (http://www.res.ethz.ch/analysis/cad/), No. 24, 11 February 2011, 2–5.
“Factors Explaining the Smooth Co-operation between German and Russian Gas Companies”, Baltic Rim Economies (BRE), No. 1, 2010, 20 (http://www.tse.fi/FI/yksikot/erillislaitokset/pei/Documents/BRE2010/BRE_1_2010_Web.pdf) [together with Heiko Pleines].
“Commentary: Yes, but that Doesn’t Mean Europe Will Be Warm and Secure”, Europe’s World, No. 8, Spring 2008, 37–41 [Commentary to Andreas Goldthau’s “Russia’s Energy Weapon Is a Fiction”]
“Gazprom’s Expansion Strategy in Europe and the Liberalization of EU Energy Markets”, Russian Analytical Digest (http://www.res.ethz.ch/analysis/rad/), No. 34, 5 February 2008, 8–15.
“Factors Influencing the Corporate Governance of Post-Socialist Companies. Examples from the Oil Industry”, Ekonomicheskiy Zhurnal Vysshey Shkoly Ekonomiki (HSE Economic Journal), 10(3), 2006, 402–419 (together with Heiko Pleines).
“Gazprom – ein verlässlicher Partner für die europäische Energieversorgung? [Gazprom – a Reliable Partner for European Energy Supply?], Russlandanalysen (http://www.russlandanalysen.de), No. 97, 28 April 2006, 2–6.
“Going global. Internationalisierung und corporate governance in der russischen Erdöl- und Erdgaswirtschaft” [Going Global: Internationalization and Corporate Governance in the Russian Oil and Gas Sector], Russlandanalysen (http://www.russlandanalysen.de), No. 28, 28 May 2004, 7–8.
“De Invloed van Gazprom. De Relatie tussen Russisch Buitenlandbeleid en Ondernemersbelang” [The Influence of Gazprom. The Relationship between Russian Foreign Policy and Company Interests], Oost-Europa Verkenningen, No. 163, Maart 2001, 42–51.
“Die Importsubstitution als Entwicklungsstrategie in Lateinamerika. Das Fallbeispiel Mexiko” [Import Substitution as a Development Strategy in Latin America. The Case of Mexico], Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, No. 1, 1998, 99–115.
“Die Hungersnot in der Ukraine 1932-1934” [The Famine in Ukraine 1932-1934], Österreichische Osthefte, No. 3, 1997, 369–382.
“Russia’s ‘Nuclear Flea Market’ Tempts Smugglers”, Transition, No. 21, 1995, 9–11 [together with Heiko Pleines].
Book Chapters
Pleines, Heiko / Heinrich, Andreas (2023): Resource Boom and Social Policy in Authoritarian Regimes. A Case Study of Russia, in: Hannes Warnecke-Berger, Jan Ickler (eds): The Political Economy of Extractivism. Global Perspectives on the Seduction of Rent, Routledge 2023, 181-198 [together with Heiko Pleines]
The Emergence of the Socialist Healthcare Model after the First World War, in Nullmeier, Frank/ González de Reufels, Delia/ Obinger, Herbert (eds): International Impacts on Social Policy. Short Histories in a Global Perspective, Global Dynamics of Social Policy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 2022.
Causal Mechanisms in the Introduction of Mandatory Health Insurance in the post-Soviet Region, in Kuhlmann, Johanna/ Nullmeier, Frank (eds): Causal Mechanisms in the Global Development of Social Policies, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 2022 [together with Gulnaz Isabekova and Heiko Pleines].
The Energy Politics of Russia and Eurasia, in Hancock, Kathleen J./ Allison, Juliann E. (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Energy Politics. New York: Oxford University Press 2021, 465–505, DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190861360.013.18 [together with Margarita Balmaceda].
Towards a Common European Energy Policy? Energy Security Debates in Poland and Germany, the Case of the Nord Stream Pipeline, in Liebert, Ulrike/ Jenichen, Anne (eds) Europeanisation and Renationalisation: Learning from Crisis for Innovation and Development. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich 2019, 169–182 [together with Heiko Pleines].
Energy Securitisation: Applying the Copenhagen School’s Framework to Energy, in Szulecki, Kacper (ed.) Energy Security in Europe: Divergent Perceptions and Policy Challenges. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan 2018, 33–59 [together with Kacper Szulecki].
Securitisation in the Gas sector: Energy Security Debates Concerning the Example of the Nord Stream Pipeline, in Szulecki, Kacper (ed.) Energy Security in Europe: Divergent Perceptions and Policy Challenges. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan 2018, 61–91.
Kommunikatsiya vo vremya konflikta i rossiysko-ukrainskiy gazovyy spor 2006 goda [Conflict Communication and the Russian-Ukrainian Gas Conflict of 2006], in: Chuvychkina, Inna (ed.) Eksportnye nefte- i gazoprovody na postsovetskom prostranstve. Stuttgart: ibidem, 2015, 171–199.
Introduction: Export Pipelines in Eurasia, in Heinrich, Andreas/ Pleines, Heiko (eds) Export Pipelines from the CIS Region: Geopolitics, Securitization, and Political Decision-Making. Stuttgart: ibidem, 2014, 1–73.
Strategiya sotrudnichestva nemeckikh gasovikh kompanii s Gazpromom, in Devyatkov, A. V./ Makarychev, A. S. (eds) Rossiya i Germaniya v postranstve evropeiskikh komunikacii. Tyumen: Tyumen State University Press, 2013, 197–213 [together with Heiko Pleines].
Introduction: Political Challenges of a Resource Boom, in Heinrich, Andreas/ Pleines, Heiko (eds) Challenges of the Caspian Resource Boom: Domestic Elites and Policy-making. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 1–20.
Conclusion, in Heinrich, Andreas/ Pleines, Heiko (eds) Challenges of the Caspian Resource Boom: Domestic Elites and Policy-making. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 267–279 [together with Heiko Pleines].
Die Corporate Governance von Erdöl- und Erdgasunternehmen in Polen und Ungarn [Corporate Governance of Oil and Gas Companies in Poland and Hungary], in Pleines, Heiko (ed.) Corporate Governance in Post-Sozialistischen Volkswirtschaften. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag 2008, 207–213.
Bestimmungsfaktoren des Corporate Governance-Verhaltens. Ein kausales Modell im empirischen Test [Factors Influencing Corporate Governance. An Empirical Test for a Causal Model], in Pleines, Heiko (ed.) Corporate Governance in Post-Sozialistischen Volkswirtschaften. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag 2008, 185–205 [together with Heiko Pleines].
Der Einfluss der Globalisierung auf die Corporate Governance des russischen Erdöl- und Erdgassektors [The Influence of Globalisation on the Corporate Governance in the Russian Oil and Gas Sector], in Sell, Axel/ Krylov, Alexander (eds) Corporate Governance: Unternehmensverfassung im Ost-West-Dialog. Frankfurt/ Main: Peter Lang 2006, 281–295.
Prozrachnost’ (Transparency) v rossiyskoy neftyanoy promyshlennosti. Mezhdunarodnye standarty i prakticheskie rekommendatsii [Transparency in the Russian Oil Industry. International Standards and Practical Recommendations], in Makarychev, Andrey/ Paleeva, Ol’ga (eds) Energeticheskiy sektor Rossii: prozrachnost’, bezopastnost’, regional’nye variatsii. Nizniy Novgorod: RusExpertTransit/TRACC 2006, 32–47 [together with Julia Kusznir and Heiko Pleines].
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Energy Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, in Kari Liuhto/ Zsuzsanna Vincze (eds) Wider Europe. Tampere: Esa Print 2005, 457–490.
Der Einfluß der Globalisierung auf die Corporate Governance des russischen Erdöl- und Erdgassektors [The Influence of Globalisation on the Corporate Governance in the Russian Oil and Gas Sector], in Krylov, Alexander (ed.) Korporativnoe upravlenie kak faktor konkurentocposobnosti na mirobom rynke/ Corporate Governance als Erfolgsfaktor im internationalen Wettbewerb. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo Natsional’nogo instituta biznesa 2004, 57–59.
Das Steuerverhalten der russischen Erdölindustrie [Taxation Behaviour of the Russian Oil Industry], in Höhmann, Hans-Hermann/ Fruchtmann, Jakob/ Pleines, Heiko (eds) Das russische Steuersystem im Übergang. Rahmenbedingungen, institutionelle Veränderungen, kulturelle Bestimmungsfaktoren. Bremen: Edition Temmen 2002 (Analysen zur Kultur und Gesellschaft im östlichen Europa, Bd. 12), 121–140.
The Integration of Ethnic Germans from the Former Soviet Union, in Rock, David/ Wolff, Stefan (eds) Coming Home to Germany? The Integration of Ethnic Germans from Central and Eastern Europe in the Federal Republic. Oxford: Berghahn Books 2002, 77–86.
Large Corporations as National and Global Players: The Case of Gazprom, in Segbers, Klaus (ed.) Explaining Post-Soviet Patchworks, Vol. 1: Actors and Sectors in Russia between Accommodation and Resistance to Globalization. Aldershot: Ashgate 2001, 97–115.
Internationalisation, Market Structures and Enterprise Behaviour. The Janus-faced Russian Gas Monopoly Gazprom, in Liuhto, Kari (ed.) East Goes West. The Internationalization of Eastern Enterprises. Lappeenranta: University of Technology 2001 (Studies in Industrial Engineering and Management No. 14), 51–87.
Transit Pipelines, in Pleines, Heiko: Energy in Ukraine. London: Financial Times Management Report 1998, 141–172.
Working Papers/ Reports
Challenges of a Resource Boom: Review of the Literature. Bremen: FSO 2011 (Arbeitspapiere und Materialien der Forschungsstelle Osteuropa, Nr. 114).
The Formal Political System of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. A Background Study. Bremen: FSO 2010 (Arbeitspapiere und Materialien der Forschungsstelle Osteuropa, Nr. 107).
Poland as a Transit Country for Russian Natural Gas: Potential for Conflict. Koszalin: KICES 2007 (KICES Working Papers No. 9-10).
Factors Influencing Corporate Governance in Post-Socialist Companies: An Analytical Framework. Ann Arbor, MI: WDI 2007 (William Davidson Institute Working Paper 896) [together with Aleksandra Lis and Heiko Pleines].
Factors Influencing the Corporate Governance of Post-Socialist Companies. Examples from the Oil Industry. Moscow: State University – Higher School of Economics 2006 (Working Paper WP1/2006/02) [together with Heiko Pleines].
Corporate Governance in the Oil and Gas Industry. Cases from Poland, Hungary, Russia and Ukraine in a Comparative Perspective. Koszalin: KICES 2005 (KICES Working Papers No. 3) [together with Aleksandra Lis and Heiko Pleines].
Independent Gas Producers in Russia. Koszalin: KICES 2005 (KICES Working Papers No. 2) [together with Julia Kusznir].
Russian Gas. NewsBase, Special Report, April. Edinburgh: NewsBase 2005.
Globale Einflüsse und die corporate governance des russischen Erdöl- und Erdgassektors [Global influences and the corporate governance of the Russian oil and natural gas sector]. Bremen: FSO 2003 (Arbeitspapiere und Materialien der Forschungsstelle Osteuropa, Nr. 46).
Die Besteuerung der russischen Erdölindustrie: Viele Köche verderben den Brei [Taxation of the Russian Oil Industry: Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth]. In: Steuerlast und Steuerverhalten russischer Wirtschaftsbranchen. Teil II: Besteuerung der russischen Öl- und Gasindustrie. Bremen: FSO 2001 (Arbeitspapiere und Materialien der Forschungsstelle Osteuropa, Nr. 28), 4–34.
Rußlands Gazprom. Teil II: Gazprom als Akteur auf internationaler Ebene [Russia’s Gazprom. Part II: Gazprom as an Actor on the International Level]. Cologne: BIOst 1999 (Berichte des Bundesinstituts für ostwissenschaftliche und internationale Studien Nr. 34).
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