The Research Centre for East European Studies (FSO), Bremen, 25-27.08.2025
7:00 pm, Theater Bremen, Foyer Großes Haus
“White But Not Quite": Does anti-eastern European racism exist?
with author Ivan Kalmar
Introduction: Klaas Anders, Moderation: Anke Hilbrenner
Coming to the Surface or Going Underground? Art Practices, Actors, and Lifestyles in the Soviet Union of the 1950s-1970s
The Research Centre for East European Studies (FSO), Bremen, November 13-14, 2025
Dr Nikolay Mitrokhin
Affiliated research fellow
Current Research Project: Ideological groups inside Russian Orthodox Church in Russia and Ukraine after 2012: comparative analyses their influence for Church management institutions and relation with the State
Primary Research Interests
- The late Soviet Union
- Elite social groups after 1953
- The CC of the CPSU
- The Russian Orthodox Church
- Finished Project: Points of View. The Personal Opinions of Central Committee Members and their Influence on the Domestic and Foreign Policy of the Soviet Union, 1964-1985."
2002, June 7. – Ph. D. at the Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow) (Graduate thesis "The Russian Nationalist Movement in the USSR. Mid. 1950s – mid. 1980s".) Academic adviser was Prof. Dr. J. Afanasiev.
1990-1995 - Moscow Institute of History and Archives (Diploma thesis "Russian Nationalists in Dissident Movement in the USSR.1955-1982", academic adviser was Prof., Dr. L. Drobizeva)
Academic Employment:
Academic researcher Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen (November 2018-December 2021)
Research project: Ideological groups inside Russian Orthodox Church in Russia and Ukraine after 2012: comparative analyses their influence for Church management institutions and relation with the State
Researcher Karelian institute University of East Finland (January 2018-December 2019)
Collective Project: Does Concern for Ethnic Russians in Near Abroad Influence Russian Policy-Making?
Visiting Lecturer Slavic Seminar of the Basel University (Switzerland) – Mart-April 2018
Seminar: Nationalism and Religion in the late USSR and post-Soviet countries (in German)
Honorarium researcher Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC) - May 2016 – April 2018
Research project: Collective Action of Non-state Armed groups in the Ukrainian Conflict (a Comparison of Pro-Russian and Ukrainian Non-state Armed Groups)
Associated professor in the Center for Slavic and Eurasian Studies at Hokkaido university (Sapporo, Japan) – September 2016 - Mart 2017
Research project: Pro-Russian Separatism in East and South Ukraine: How “City Freaks” Took Control of the Donbas and Crimea
Honorarium researcher German-Russian exchange (Berlin)- October 2016 – January 2017
Research project: Extra-judicial and judicial methods and forms of “law implementation” used by the eastern Ukrainian “People’s Republics’” “law enforcement agencies” in the period 01.06.2015 – 01.06.2016
Honorarium researcher Berghof Foundation (Berlin) – May-September 2016.
Research project: Political mediation in Ukraine and OSCE
Honorarium researcher Friedrich Ebert Foundation (Kiew Büro) – April to May 2016.
Research project: Political and economic situation in South Ukraine.
Honorarium researcher Friedrich Ebert Foundation (Kiew Büro) – April to May 2015.
Research project: Political Stability in the East and South Ukraine Cities.
Guest Fellow in Institute for Human Sciences (Vienna) – January 2015.
Research project: Russian Nationalism and the Russian Orthodox Church in South-East Ukraine
Academic Researcher in the Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen from December 2008 to November 2014.
Research project: ““Personal meaning”: Role social and educational background of staff in the interior and international politic of CK KPSS” 2009-2013
Teaching in Social science department of the Bremen University:
- Seminar: Nationalism, Ethnic conflicts and Religion in the USSR and post-Soviet countries from 1980 to Today 2018/2019 (in German)
- Seminar: Nationalism and Religion in the USSR from Second World War to the Collapse of the country 2017/2018 (in English)
- Seminar “The Religion and Nationalism in the USSR in 1950th-1980th Years“ 2013/2014 (08-28-M12-1)(in German)
- Seminar “The Soviet Power between 1953 and 1985 years: Power Institutions, Top-Leaders and Bureaucracy” (08-28-M12-6) 2012/2013 (in English)
- Seminar: “Religion and Nationalism in Russia after the Communism (1991-2011)” (08-31-4-M9-3). 2011 (in Russian).
Paper “Civic Society in Contemporary Russia” for official meeting Human Rights Group of Parliament (Bundestag) Fraction of Christian-Democrats Union Germany in June 2012. (Part of preposition took in official resolution Bundestag about Russia 10.11.2012).
Academic Fellowship from Gerda Henkel foundation (Germany).
Research project “Telephone rights”: Groups of influence in CK CPSU apparatus in 1953-1985”. 2006, December – 2008, November. Academic adviser is Prof. Dr. J. Baberowski (Berlin, Humbolds university).
Academic Fellowship from German Chancellor program Alexander von Humbold foundation (Germany).
Research Project “Groups of fluent in the contemporary the Russian Orthodox Church”. 2005, September – 2006, November. Academic adviser is Prof. Dr. Th. Bremer (Ecumenical Institute of the Münster university (Germany)).
Academic researcher of the Central-Asian project at the Human Rights Center “Memorial” (Moscow, 1999-2005)
Monitoring and Research of Human Rights violations in Uzbekistan, Tadzhikistan and Turkmenistan, with focus on religious freedom, religious extremism, ethnic problems, tortures and penitentiary system in 1999-2005.
Chief of monitoring network in Uzbekistan in 2002-2004.
Internship in the Human Rights Watch (New York). March-June 2003.
Author of the report the International League for Human Rights (New York) for UN Committee against Torture about situation in Uzbekistan. May 2002.
Researcher and Director of Projects at the Information and Study Center “Panorama” (Moscow, 1991-1999).
1995-1999 – editor and compiler of the series of documental publications (11 volume) about the history of the dissident movement in the USSR.
1994–1999 – co-founder and co-editor of the newsletters “Centralno-Aziatskie stranicy” (Central Asian Pages).
1991-1999 - author of more than 60 biographies of contemporary politicians and social activists, which were published in different textbooks.
Another Jobs in 1989-1994 years
1991–1994 – freelance Researcher at the Academic and Educational Center “Memorial” (Moscow)
1989.09 – 1991 – freelance and staff correspondent of the independent information agencies in Moscow (Service of everyday news, Agency of news and information and others)
1989.08 – 1991.04. – Keeper of depositary of the Central State Archive of the Russian Federation (Moscow).
Social Activity:
Director HGO Institute of the study of the religion in the CIS and Baltic countries (Moscow, 2002-2005)
coordinator of the education project “Renovation of the Sociology of Religion in Georgia” (Tbilisi, 2004, October- 2005, January);
coordinator of the research project “Clericalism in the Russian education system” (Moscow; Moscow and Tula regions, 2004)
coordinator and moderator of the international seminar “Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church: Deconstruction of the Myth” (Moscow, Memorial, 25.11.2002)
Cofounder, coordinator for academic activity and strategic development (since 2003) Moscow group of the Association of Russian and German economists “Dialog e.v.” (Tubingen), associated with Higher School of the Economics (Moscow)
organizer and moderator more than 8 international round table and public discussions (in Higher School of the Economics (Moscow), 2000-2005)
co-organization of cross-border students communications, groups exchange
Member of the board at the Program Branch “Social Contract” by Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation) – Russia (Moscow, 2001)
Member of the Sergei Kovalev’s Human Rights mission of in Chechnya (1995)
2000 – for the best annual publication by the weekly “Moskovskie novosti”.
1995 – for perspective postgraduate students (Soros Foundation)
2009 – DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinshaft or German Research Society) for project ““Personal meaning”: Role social and educational background of staff in the interior and international politic of CK KPSS”
2009 – Center of political philosophy (Moscow) for project «System of management of religiosity in last decades of USSR history“
2005 - Open Society Institute (Moscow) travel grant for research project
2004 – South-Caucasus office of the Henrich Boell Foundation (Germany) for the project “Renovation of the Sociology of Religion in Georgia”
2003 – Open Society Institute (Moscow) travel grant for conference and research work in Lviv (Ukraine).
2003 – Turkmen board of the Open Society Institute (Budapest) for internship in Human Rights Watch (New York).
2002 – Moscow office of the Henrich Boll Foundation (Germany) grant for the organization of the international seminar “Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church: Deconstruction of the Myth”
2001-2003 - participant of the collective grants of the Open Society Institute (New-York).
2000 – “Clean pens” program (journalist investigation) OSI-Russia.
In English:
The ‘Russian World’ in Germany // Eurozine. 2017. 06.06. []
Extra-judicial and judicial methods and forms of “law implementation” used by the eastern Ukrainian “People’s Republics’” “law enforcement agencies” in the period 01.06.2015 – 01.06.2016 []
(with Victoria Smolkin-Rothrock as co-author). Review: E.B. Ershova, Skvoz' cheredu vremen (Rossiiskaia sem'ia v XVIII-XXI vv) (Moskva: Izdatel'skii dom GOUVPO "GUU", 2012) // Russian Review, 2015. Winter. P. 172-174.
Review: Baran B. Emily. Dissident on margins. How Soviet Jehovah’s Witness Defied Communism and Lived to Preach about It. Oxford university press, 2014. //Slavic Review, vol. 74, no. 2 (Summer 2015). P. 406-407.
Infiltration, Instruction, Invasion: Russia’s War in the Donbass // Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (ibidem Press, Göttingen). 2015/1. P. 219-249. []
Was There an Alternative? Metropolitan Bishop Onuphrius and his First Steps // Euxeinos. Governance and Culture in the Black Sea Region. 17/2015 P. 13-17. []
Charlie Hebdo's Russian afterlife // Eurozine. 2015. 10.04. []
The CPSU Central Committee Apparatus, 1970-85: Personnel and Role in the Soviet Political System // “Russian History”, 41 (2014). P. 307-328.
Review: V. F. Nekrasov, Apparat TsK KPSS v pogonakh i bez. Nekotorye voprosy oborony, gosbezopasnosti, pravookhranitel’noi deiatel’nosti v TsK KPSS (40-e – nachalo 90-x godov XX veka) // The Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies [En ligne], Issue 14/15 | 2013, []
The Russian Orthodox Church in 1990 // 1990. Russian Remember a turning point / Ed. by Irina Prokhorova. London: Maclehose Press, 2013. P. 335-393.
Review: Aleksei Beglov, V poiskakh "Bezgreshnykh katakomb": Tserkovnoe podpol'e v SSSR (In Search of "Sinless Catacombs": The Church Underground in the USSR) // Kritika, Vol. 13, No. 2 (Spring 2012) P. 476-490.
Ascending the party ranks. Part II of an interview with Vyacheslav Mikhailov of the Central Committee of the CPSU // Postsovietpost: Observation and Expert Analysis from Eurasia (USA, Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies Stanford University). 28.2.2012 []
Bandera, the church, and the provinces in post-war Ukraine. Part I of an interview with Vyacheslav Mikhailov of the Central Committee of the CPSU // Postsovietpost: Observation and Expert Analysis from Eurasia (USA, Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies Stanford University). 7.2.2012
The rise of political clans in the era of Nikita Khrushchev // Khrushchev in the Kremlin. Policy and government in the Soviet Union, 1953-1964 / ed. Jeremy Smith and Melanie Ilic. Routledge, 2011. P. 26-40.
Orthodoxy in Ukrainian Political Life 2004-2009. In: Religion, State and Society. 2010. Volume 38 Issue 3. P. 229 – 251.
Short Structural Remarks about Certain Structural Problems of Contemporary Russian Sociology// Laboratorium. 2009. №1. С. 182-186. []
“Strange People” in the Politburo Institutional Problems and the Human Factor in the Economic Collapse of the Soviet Empire // Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 10, 4 (Fall 2009): 869–96.
The Russian Orthodox Church in Contemporary Russia: Structural Problems and Contradictory Relations with the Government, 2000–2008 // Social Research. New York. 2009. Spring. [;col1]
Non-Islamic Extremism in Today’s Russia // Russia in Global Affairs. Moscow. 2006. № 4. Pp. 14– 27. []
Non-Islamic Extremism in Contemporary Russia // Roots and Routes of Democracy and Extremism / ed. T. Hellenberg and Kelly Robins. Yliopistopaino, 2006. P. 157–171.
The Russian Orthodox Church and Secondary Schooling Today. In: Keston Frontier (Keston Institute, Oxford, UK), 2004. Autumn. №6.
Ethno-Nationalist Mythology in the Soviet Party-State Apparatus. In: The Harriman Review (Columbia University, NY, USA). Vol. 15, no. 1. Fall 2004. P. 20-29.
The Holy Synod and the Prospects for the Election of a New Patriarch in Russia. In: Keston Frontier (Keston Institute, Oxford, UK), 2003. Summer. №1. P. 13-16.
Aspects of the Religious Situation in Ukraine. In: Religion, State & Society, (Keston Institute, Oxford, UK), Vol.29, №3, 2001. P.173-196.
Tajikistan: Practising Protestants Outnumber Orthodox Christians. Keston News Service. 2000, 15.8.
Turkmenistan’s Open Surveillance of Foreigners Caps Policy of Isolation. In: Eurasia Information Server, 2000. 10.7. [].
Uzbekistan's Repressive Policies Turn Moderate Muslims Into Religious Extremists. Keston News Service. 2000, 26.01.
Contrasting Fates For Two Protestant Churches In Uzbek Town. Keston News Service. 2000, 8.01.
In German:
Books and brochures:
Zwischen Stabilität und Labilität. Die gesellschafts-politische Situation im Süden und Osten der Ukraine. Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2015. September. []
Im Namen des Staates. Russische Nationalisten im Ukraine-Einsatz, in: Osteuropa 69/3-4 (2019), 103-121.
Gab es eine Alternative? Metropolit Onufrij und seine ersten Schritte In: Glaube in der 2. Welt (Zurich). 2015, №2. S. 9-11.
Bandenkrieg und Staatsbildung. Zur Zukunft des Donbass. In: Osteuropa (Berlin). Heft 1, 2015. S. 5-22.
Die Ukrainisch-Orthodoxe Kirche des Moskauer Patriarchats. Zwischen Maidan und pro-russischem Separatismus. In: Transit (Wien). №45, Sommer 2014.
Infiltration, Instruktion, Invasion. Russlands Krieg in der Ukraine In: Osteuropa (Berlin). Heft 8, 2014. S. 3-16.
Transnationale Provokation. Russische Nationalisten in der Ukraine. In: Osteuropa (Berlin). 5/6, 2014. S. 157-174.
Gottes Wort und Priesters Tat. Die Orthodoxe Kirche und die Homosexualität. In: Osteuropa 10/2013. S.71-85.
Wie sich die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche im heutigen Russland an ihre Geschichte in der Sowjetzeit erinnert // Ost-West. Europäische Perspektiven. 8 (2007). Heft3. P. 210-217.
Der Russische Nationalismus in Politik und Kultur 1962-1965 / Berlin – Moskau, Moskau – Berlin. Chronik 1950-2000. Ausstellung. Germany, 2004. P. 48-52.
Quo vadis, Eccelesia ucrainica? Zum Reforstau in der Ukrainischen Griechisch-katholischen Kirche. In: Glaube in der 2. Welt (Zurich). 2001, #6. P.15-18.
Sprengstoff-anschlage auf Kirchen. In: Glaube in der 2. Welt. 2001, #3. P.9.
Antisemiten im kirchlichen Gewand. In: Glaube in der 2. Welt. 2001, #29. P.21-22.
Kirchenstreit und Toleranz. Drei orthodoxe Kirchen paralysieren sich im Kampf um die Macht. In: Glaube in der 2. Welt. 2000, #5. P.25-29.
Die Kirche und das liebe Geld. In: Glaube in der 2. Welt. 1999, #27. P.24-26.
«Ökumenismus ist Häresie!“ Warum die Georgische Orthodoxe Kirche den ÖRK verließe. In: Glaube in der 2. Welt. 1997, #25. P.19-20.
„Im Kloster ist Lernen sinnlos“. Monolog von Archimandrit Ioann Scheklaschwili. In: Glaube in der 2. Welt. 1997, #25. P.25-26.
In French:
De la confrontation à la coopération et à la prise de l’influence: la politique de l’Église orthodoxe russe en Europe occidentale (2000-2010) // Revue russe (Paris), №46. 2016. P. 55-66.
Russie: l'Église orthodoxe, l'État et la société - Entretien avec Nikolaï Mitrokhine. Propos recueillis par Régis Genté. // Religioscope. 2014. 10.01. []
"Combattre encerclé" // Messager Orthodoxe (Paris), 2013. №155, p. 74-77.
La mythologie ethno-nationaliste au sein de l’appareil du Parti et de l’État en Union soviétique, // Marlene Laruelle, Catherine Servant (ed.), D’une édification l’autre. Socialisme et nation dans l’espace (post-)communiste [Building Statehood. Socialism and Nation in (Post)Communist countries], Paris, Petra, 2008. pp. 23-42.
Le nationalisme russe dans l’establishment soviétique : l’Union des écrivains, 1953-1965, // Marlene Laruelle, Catherine Servant (ed.), D’une édification l’autre. Socialisme et nation dans l’espace (post-) communiste [Building Statehood. Socialism and Nation in (Post)Communist countries], Paris, Petra, 2008. pp. 89-112.
Un amour contrarie: l’Eglise orthodoxe et l’armee russes // Culture militaire et patriotisme dans la Russie d’aujourd’hui / Sous La direction de Anne Le Huerou et Elisabeth Sieca-Kozlowski. Paris: Kathala, 2008. P. 61–96.
L’arhimandrite Naum et les “naumovcy” comme quintessence du phenomene contemporain du starcestvo // Revue d’etudes comparatives Est-Ouest. 2005. Vol.36. №4. P. 89–119.
In Russian:
Books and brochures:
The Russian Orthodox Church: Contemporary Condition and Actual Problems. Moscow, New Literary Review Publisher House, 2004. 648 p. [Contents and part of Introduction see:]. Second Edition, 2006. 656 p.
“Russian Party”. The Russian Nationalist Movement in the USSR. 1953-1985. Moscow, New Literary Review Publisher House, 2003. 624 p. [Contents and part of Introduction see:].
“Turkmenistan: State Policy and Human Rights” (V.Ponomaryov as co-author). Moscow, Human Rights Centre “Memorial”, 1999. 140 p. [].
“Bishops and Eparchies (Dioceses) of the Russian Orthodox Church” (S. Timofeeva as co-author). Moscow, “Panorama”, 1997. 456 p.
“Uzbekistan: the Social, Economic, Political and Religious Situation” (V. Ponomaryov as co-author). Moscow, “Panorama”, 1996. 40 p.
“Russian in the states of the former Soviet Union” (A.Glybockiy and others as co-authors). Moscow, “Panorama”, 1994. 94 p.
Articles and Review:
Review: Gleb Tsipursky. Socialist Fun: Youth, Consumption, and State-Sponsored Popular Culture in the Soviet Union, 1945–1970. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2016. // Laboratorium. 2018. №2. P. 132-139. []
Review: Edward Cohn. The High Title of a Communist: Postwar Party Discipline and the Values of the Soviet Regime. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2015. // Laboratorium. 2018. №1. P. 108-116. []
Review: Mark Bassin and Gonzalo Pozo, eds. The Politics of Eurasianism: Identity, Popular Culture and Russia’s Foreign Policy. London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017. // Laboratorium. 2018. №3. P. 132-139. Электронный журнал. []
"The case of the girl Lisa": Putin's Russian-speaking supporters in Germany and German right-wing radicalism // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow. 2017 №3. P. 132–146. []
Career and success in the 1950-ies: like yesterday's students became captains of industries and professional bureaucrats // After Stalin. Reforms of the 1950s in the context of Soviet and post-Soviet history. M.: Political encyclopedia; the Presidential center B. N. Yeltsin, 2016. P. 213-237.
Review: Ольга Герасимова. «Оттепель», «заморозки» и студенты Московского университета. М.: АИРО–ХХ век, 2015. // Laboratorium. 2017. №9 (2). P. 183-192. []
Review: Diego Gambetta and Steffen Hertog. Engineers of Jihad: The Curious Connection between Violent Extremism and Education. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2016 // Laboratorium. 2016. №3. []
From confrontation to cooperation: "European policy" of the Russian Orthodox Church in the twenty-first century // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow. 2016 №3. []
Review: Лори Манчестер. Поповичи в миру: духовенство, интеллигенция и становление современного самосознания в России. Пер. с англ. А. Ю. Полунов. М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2015 // Laboratorium. 2016. №2. []
Review: Chris Klassen. Religion & Popular Culture: A Cultural Studies Approach. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 2014 // Laboratorium. 2016. №1. Электронный журнал. []
«Frontoviks» and «school boys» in the postwar high-school // Soviet state and society in the late-Stalinism period. (1945-1953). Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2015. P. 216-234.
Russian nationalists in the Russian Orthodox Church (1943-1985) // Soviet nations and national policy in 1920-1950-th. Moscow.: ROSSEN, 2014. P.558-590.
Mikhail Syslov’s Back-office: Propaganda Department of CK KPSU apparatus in the end of 1960th-1985 years (Back-office Михаила Суслова: Отдел пропаганды ЦК КПСС в конце 1960-х-1985 годах) // Cahiers du Monde Russe (Paris), 2014. №54/3-4, Juli. P. 409-440.
The Elite of “Closed Society”: MGIMO, International Departments of the Apparatus of the CPSU Central Committee, and the Prosopography of Their Cadres // Ab Imperio, 2013. №4. P. 145-185.
Church, Ethno-nationalism and State (Церковь, этнонационализм и государство) // Pro et Contra (Moscow). 2013. №5 (60). P. 6-16. []
Soviet People and Soviet memoirs: retrospective review of the Valentin Beilinson‘s memoirs (Советские люди и советские мемуары: Ретроспективная рецензия на воспоминания Валентина Бейлинсона) // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow. 2013. №5. []
Personal Memory about „repression“ of the CPSU Central Committee staff 1960th-1980th and their political aftermath / Stalinism‘s History: Life in Terror. Social aspects of repression. Collection of articles. Moscow. ROSSPEN, 2013. P. 60-83. (Личная память о «репрессиях» у работников аппарата ЦК КПСС 1960-х-1980-х гг. и её политические последствия / История сталинизма: Жизнь в терроре. Социальные аспекты репрессий / сост. А. Сорокин, А. Кобак, О. Кувалдина. М.: РОССПЭН, 2013. С. 60-83.)
Infrastructure of support eschatology in ROC: history and contemporary situation // Forum contemporary East-European History and Culture – Russian Edition. № 1, 2012 – []
Personal Network in CK KPSU apparatus // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow. 2012. №3. С. 166-175. []
Micro-level of ideological conflict. Memories of CK CPSU apparatus staff about Alexander Solzhenitsyn: fragments of interview // In: Novoe literatyrnoe obozrenie [New Literary Review]. Moscow., 2012. №3. С. 106-123. []
(with O. Sweshnikova as coauthor) Conference «End of the Soviet Union? Origins and Legacies of 1991.", Forschungsstelle Osteuropa Bremen, 19.-21. Mai, 2011 // In: Novoe literatyrnoe obozrenie [New Literary Review]. Moscow., 2012. №1(113) []
(with E. Rondo as coauthor) Failed autonomy: German population in USSR in 1960–1980th and «reconstruction Republic Volga Germans» // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow, 2011. №4(78) []
«It will be better to steal something…, than had taken a “nationalist” reputation»: interview Nikolay Mitrokhin with Vyacheslav Alexandrovich Mikhailov // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow., 2011. №4(78) []
Religiosity in USSR in 1954-1965 years at the eyes CK CPSU apparatus // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow, 2010. №5 (73). С. []
From two interviews with Alexander Moiseevich Pyatigorsky // In: Novoe literatyrnoe obozrenie [New Literary Review]. Moscow., 2010. №1(101).[]
By the history of modernization of science in Russia // In: Novoe literatyrnoe obozrenie [New Literary Review]. Moscow., 2009. №6 (100). []
«Publication houses had given a half of Party’s budget»: interview Nikolay Mitrokhin with Vadim Vladimirovich Kostrov // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow., 2009. №6 (68). С.. []
Schort remarks about soviet sociology (after reading of Boris Firsov’s book) // In: Novoe literatyrnoe obozrenie [New Literary Review]. Moscow., 2009. №3(98). С. 111-122. []
Why in top power institutions in Brezhnev‘s USSR was so small corruption // Forbes. Russia Edition. 2009. №12. In internet-version is another title – «What Medvedev might learn from Breznev» // Forbes. Russia Edition. 2009. №12. []
Apparatus of Central Committee of KPSS in 1953--1985 years as an example of “close society” // In: Novoe literatyrnoe obozrenie [New Literary Review]. Moscow. 2009. №6 (100). []
The Russian Orthodox Church in Rossia in 2000-2008 years: notes about some structural problems // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow, 2009. №1 (63). С.162-175. []
Gender relationship and ROC in contemporary Russia // Gender for kettles-2. Moscow: Henrich Boll Foundation, 2009. []
On ideological post: 1960th. Memories of CK CPSU staff / introduction and interviews with Alexander Veber, Gennadyi Gysev and Richard Kosolapov // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow., 2008. №4 (60). []
Soviet power, church and believers in after-war period // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow., 2008. №3 (59). []
"Everyday consciousness love to simple decision …" Interview Nikolay Mitrokhin with Vladimir Alexandrovich Saprykin // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow., 2008. №3 (59). []
"Two member of editorial board was CK CPSU staff". Interview Nikolay Mitrokhin with Olga Timopfeevna Bruschlinskay // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow, 2008. №3 (59). []
"It’s a mean way to politicizing of science". Interview Nikolay Mitrokhin with Vsevolod Michailovich Ivanov // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow., 2007. №5 (55). С.. []
Review for: Vestnik Archiva Presidenta. Special Edition. Generaly Secretary L.I. Breznev. 1964-1982 // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow, 2007. №5 (55). С.. []
Review for: Protestantism in Tumen region: History and modernity / Edited by I.V. Bobrov. Tumen’, 2006; Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow, 2007. []
Review for: Sakharov Andrei. Collectd works in 8 vol. // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow, 2007. №2 (52). []
Review for: Narkisov Razum. 25 years in apparatus Soviet government in Kremlin’. Notes of referent. // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow, 2007. №2 (52). С.. []
(with O. Sibireva as coauthor) Evaluation of number of orthodox believers on the materials of field studies in Rjasan region // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow, 2007. №1 (51). С. 243–258. []
The Russian Orthodox Church in 1990 year. In: New Literary Review (Moscow), 2007. #83. P. 300–349. []
Social lift for believer’s gays from working-class suburbs: bishops of contemporary ROC / Old churches – new believers, new churches – old believers. /Collection of articles. Edited by К.Kaariainen and D. Furman. Moscow, 2007. С. 260 – 324.
Church after crisis // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow, 2006. №50. []
Orderlies (Sanitary) of soviet literature: By transcript of discussion about Metropol almanac on broadened secretariat Moscow Organization Writers Union 22 January 1979 // In: New Literary Review (Moscow), 2006. №5(82). []
The Jews, Georgians, Oppressed Peasants and the Soviet Gold: Valentin Ivanov's Book "Yellow Metal" - an Unknown Source of Information on the Late Stalinist Society. In: New Literary Review (Moscow), 2006. #80. []
Archimandrite Naym and “naymovchy” as quintessence of modern spiritual elders work (starchestvo) / Religious practices in the contemporary Russia / ed. Kathy Rousselet, Alex Agadzanyan. Moscow. New Publishing House. 2006. P. 126–148.
Non-Islamic Extremism in contemporary Russia // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow. 2006. №45. [ ].
Breznev to eyes of the Russian nationalists [Book review about A. Baygyshev and S. Semanov books] // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow. 2006. №45. []
Love without satisfaction: the Russian Orthodox Church and Russian Army // The Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies, 2005. Issue 3 []
The Russian Orthodox Church as a political party // Polyticheskyi Zurnal. Moscow. 2005. 14.11. № 38 (89). []
Unacknowledged parishes. Strategic purpose the Russian Orthodox Church and Russia interests in South Caucasia // Polyticheskyi Zurnal. Moscow. 2005. 31.10. № 36 (87). P. 84 – 87. []
Book review about collection of article “Religion and globalization in the expanses Euro-Asia” // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow. 2005. №43. P. 128–129. []
Two ecumenisms // Suite 2005. 22.08. []
The Russian Orthodox Church in the soviet period: new works church’s historians // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow. 2005. №42. С. 123–127. []
Book review about Hobsbawm E. “The Age of Extremes” (1914-1991) // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow. 2005. №42. С. 132–134. [ ].
Able for uncombatant service. Why we couldn’t see priest with epaulet // Polyticheskyi Zurnal. Moscow. 2005. 1.08. № 26 (77). P. 84 – 87. [
The Russian Orthodox Church and history of XX century: experience of the contemporary lobbyism // Historical knowledge in the contemporary Russia: discussions and pursuit of new approaches. Moscow, 2005. P.90–108.
Who and how have visited churches in our country // Polyticheskyi Zurnal. Moscow. 2005. 25.04. № 15 (66). С. 74–76. []
What we could see behind the confrontation orthodox and catholic communities in the Western Ukraine // Polyticheskyi Zurnal. Moscow. 2005. 21.02. № 6 (57). [
Point of rest. Should Faith help against Drags? // Polyticheskyi Zurnal. Moscow., 2005. 14.02. № 5 (56). []
Religion and education in Russia // IJMS: International Journal on Multicultural Societies. 2000 (really was written and published 2005), vol. 2, no.3, Pp. 44-71. []
Night guard: goodwill vampire Anatol Chubais and civil society // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow. 2005. №39. [
Clericalism in the education system and reaction of the contemporary Russian society // Predely svetskosti. Moscow: Sova, Information and analytical center, 2005. []
Kiev: two days of the Orange Revolution // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow. 2004. #38. []
Book review about: Mitrofanova A. Politicization of “Orthodox World” // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow. 2004. #38. []
Book review about: Hessler J. A social history of Soviet trade: trade policy, retail practices, and consumption, 1917 – 1953. // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow. 2004. #37. []
Not for form’s sake [Results of the ROC’s Bishops Council 2004] // Polyticheskyi Zurnal [Political magazine]. Moscow. 2004. 26.10. № 39 (42). []
Book review about Aksytin Y. “Khrushchev Thaw and public opinion in USSR at 1953-1964”; Biography of the Lev Timofeev. In: Novoe literatyrnoe obozrenie [New Literary Review]. Moscow. 2004. #4 (68). P. 369–371; 389–390.
Religious situation in the contemporary Turkmenistan. In: “”. 2004. 15. 06. []
Main between equals [ROC in the Russian political process]. In: Russkyi zurnal [Russian magazine]. Moscow. 2004. 15. 04. []
The Russian nationalism in policy and culture. 1962-1965. In: «Москва – Berlin / Берлин – Moskau. 1950 – 2000». Moscow: Trilisnik, 2004. P. 164–168.
Economic activity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in contemporary Uzbekistan. In: Economic activity of the Ministry of policy: dimensions, reasons and consequences. Moscow: Institute of the social and economic problems of the population Russian State Academy of Science, 2003. P. 112–141.
Results of decade for the Russian Orthodox Church. In: Neprikosnovennyi zapas (Moscow), 2003. #32. P. 33-37. []
From Pamyat to Luzkov’s skinheads. Ideology of the Russian Nationalism from 1987-2003. In: Neprikosnovennyi zapas. Moscow. 2003. #31. P. 37-43. []
Orthodox parishes like civil society organizations. In: Civitas (Moscow). 2003. №2. P. 18-24.
The Russian Orthodox Church and Posy-Soviet Muslims. In Otechestvenye zapiski (Moscow). 2003. №5. Pp. 126-135. []
Labor migration from Central Asian countries. In Otechestvenye zapiski (Moscow). 2003. №3 (electronic version). [;]
45 minutes of the Orthodox. In: Ezenedelnyi zyrnal (Moscow). 2002. 22.10. P.30-33.
The Russian Orthodox Church and the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church. In: Otechestvenye zapiski (Moscow). 2002. №7. P.381-393. numbers/2002_07/2002_07_46.html
Kolxoz’s Prior. In: Ezenedelnyi zyrnal (Moscow). 2002. 8.10. P.26-30.
Internet – missionary field or conflict zone? / Internet and Russian society / Collection of the articles / Moscow Carnegy Found, 2002. P.189-210.
Holy Land. Politics want to ordained the holy orthodox fathers to landlord cloth. In: Moscow News, 2002. 30.7. P.2-3.
Ethno-nationalist Myths in Soviet Party-State Officials. In: Otechestvenye zapiski (Moscow), 2002. #3. P. 281-298.
Economics of the Russian Orthodox Church. In: Otechestvenye zapiski (Moscow), 2001. #1. P. 144-155. []
The Orthodox Education in Russia. In: Otechestvenye zapiski, 2001. #1. P. 194-205.
The Russian Orthodox Church in Western Ukraine Region. In: Dia-Logos: Society and Religion. 2000. Moscow, 2001. P.275-297.
Blood or Bible. Ethno-organizations and Religion: Experience of the CIS. In: Neprikosnovennyi zapas (Moscow), 2001. #3. P. 85-101. []
“The Russian party”. Mid. 1950s- mid. 1980s. In: New Literary Review (Moscow), 2001. #2 (48). p.245-297. [
Myths and legends of the Russian nationalist movement in the USSR. 1950-1985. In: “New” Russia: political studies and political studies education. Papers of the interacademic conference 1-2 December 2000. Moscow: the Russian State University for the Humanities, 2000. p. 91-93.
The Russian Orthodox Church: incomes and expenses. In: Index: dossier on censorship (Moscow) 2000. №11. P.121-126. []
Reinventing Russia. Book review about Brudny Y. “Reinventing Russia. Russian Nationalism and the Soviet State, 1953-1991.” In: Russkaia Mysl (Paris), 2000, #4326.
The Russian Orthodox Church as a subject of Economic Activity. In: Economic Activity of the Russian Orthodox Church and their Shadow Part. The Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow), 2000. P.55-120, 151-187. Also: Ogonek, 2000. #24. Pp.20-23; Moscow News, 2000, #25; Voprosy Ekonomiki (Economic questions), 2000. #8; Delovye ludie (Businessmen), 2000. #8. Pp. 61-64. (Book review in: Daily Telegraph, 2000. 30.6. and 19.7.; The Times, 2000. 20.9.; Itogi, 2000. #38: Nezavisimaya Gazeta-Religii, 2000. #19; Novy mir, 2001.#2. p.231.
Interior problems of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church. In: Russian-Ukraine Bulletin (Moscow), 2000. №6-7. p.81-85.
Who is Gylya Sotnikova? In: Moscow News, 2000, #13 [translated:]
The book business of the Russian Orthodox Church and activity of its Publishing Department In: Russkaia Mysl (Paris), 2000, #4306
Economic aspects of activity of the Russian Orthodox Church In: Russkaia Mysl (Paris), 1999, #4282.
Power and Religion in Ukraine. Russian-Ukraine Bulletin, 1999. №3. []
Some aspects of the religious situation in Ukraine. In: Russkaia Mysl (Paris), 1999, #4276-4277
Orthodoxy in Byelorussia. In: Russian Thought (Paris), 1999, #4254-4255
Series of Interviews with Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church. In: Russkaia Mysl (Paris), 1999, # 4257; 1998, #4240, 4237, 4234, 4230; 1997, # 4189.
Series of Materials on Trials of Islamic Activists in Uzbekistan. In: Russkaia Mysl (Paris), 1999, # 4254, 4259, 4260, 4266, 4270, 1998 #4243, 4241
Orthodoxy in the Northern Caucasus. In: Factors of Ethno-Confessional Identification in Post-Soviet Society (Collection of Articles). Moscow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1998; []; And In: Dia-Logos: Society and Religion. 1998-1999. Moscow, 1999.
Orthodoxy in Moldova. In: Russkaia Mysl (Paris), 1998, # 4226
Orthodoxy in Turkmenistan. In: Russkaia Mysl (Paris), 1998, # 4223
Modern Uzbekistan. In: Russkaia Mysl (Paris), 1998, #4241
Country of Poachers. In: Moscow News, 1998, #8
Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church as a Social Group. In: Russkaia Mysl (Paris), 1998, # 4215
The Bible Doesn’t Burn. In: Russkaia Mysl (Paris), 1997, # 4196
Gengeshi (Council) on Religious Issues in Turkmenistan. In: Russkaia Mysl (Paris), 1997, # 4195
Anarcho-syndicalism and the Thaw. In: Obshina, 1997, #50.
Dissident in Orthodox Church in Georgia. In: Russkaia Mysl (Paris), 1997, #4185.
Dissident roots in the ‘New Extremist Right” in Russia (A.Daniel as co-author) In: Collection “Does Russia need Hitler?”, Moscow, PIK, 1996.
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