Mareike zum Felde
Doctoral researcher
former BMBF- Project:
„Obstacles to Modernization in the Economy and Science of the GDR“ (Mod-Block-DDR) / sub-project 7
Room 3730 / Telephone: +49 421 218 66645
Current project
Understanding Change and Continuity in Polish Politics: Political Elites, the Party Politics of Higher Education and the Impact of Right-Wing Populism (1989-2021) (PhD thesis submitted 21.11.2024)
Current Research interests
- Discourses, path dependencies and actors of the political and economic transformation in Poland
- Higher education policies in the context of welfare and economic policies
- Parliamentary debates and party positions on higher education policies in Poland since 1989
Short CV
05/2024 Research stay at the department of political sciene of the University of Oslo (Prof. D
05/2019-08/2023 Scientific employee (PhD candidate) in the BMBF- Project: „Obstacles to Modernization in the Economy and Science of the GDR“ (Mod-Block-DDR) Chair of Economics of Innovation and Structural Change / Research Centre for East European Studies (University of Bremen)
06/2020 - 02/2022 Speaker of "Junge DGO - regional group Bremen" (a section of the German Association for East European Studies - DGO)
since 09/2019 Affiliated Fellow an der Bremen International Graduate School of Scoial Sciences (BIGSSS)
10/2016-04/2019 Elite Graduate Program for East European Studies (M.A.), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich; Major: Comparative Political Systems with a Focus on Eastern and Central Eastern Europe, Minor: East and Central East European History
Title of MA Thesis: Between Government Requirements and Individual Decisions: Analysis of the Development of Selected Curricula and Textbooks for History Lessons with regard to the Presentation of Poland
09/2014-01/2015 Semester abroad University of Southern Denmark, Department for Border Region Studies
09/2012-09/2016 European Administrative Management (B.A.), Hochschule Harz (University of Applied Sciences)
Work experience
11/2017-01/2020 Research Assistant at the Collegium Carolinum – Research Institute for the History of the Czech Lands and Slovakia (Pro.f Dr. Jana Osterkamp)
04-06/2018 Cooperation on the “German-Polish Barometer 2018“ at the Instytut Spraw Publicznych (Institute of Public Affairs), Warsaw
08-11/2015 Internship at the German Embassy in Warsaw
05-08/2014 Internship at Wilkhahn S.A., Madrid
02-05/2014 Internship at the German Public-Service Television (ZDF), Warsaw
09/2011-09/2012 Language Assistant in German Classes at the Zespół Szkół 113, Warsaw („kulturweit“ volunteer service of the German Foreign Office in Cooperation with the German UNESCO Commission)
since 09/2023 PhD completion grant provided by the FAZIT foundation
10/2017-/042019 Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds
11/2017-04/2019 Hans-Rudolf-Stiftung
09/2013-02/2016 Deutschlandstipendium der Hochschule Harz
zum Felde, Mareike (2024): Wandel in den politischen Eliten Polens 1989-2020: Bedarf für eine Vierte Republik? Polen-Analysen 337, DOI: 10.31205/PA.337.01.
zum Felde, Mareike/ Cordes, Charlotta/ zum Felde, Mareike /Pleines, Heiko /Paustyan, Ekaterina /Rochlitz, Michael / Somfalvy, Esther (2024): Assessing Socialist Past and Sociodemographic Present: The Composition of Political Elites in Central and Eastern Europe from 1990 to 2020, in: Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 57 (4): 194–207 (open access).
zum Felde, Mareike (2024): Can the party family approach explain Polish partisan positions? A case study on the policy field of higher education in post-socialist Poland, European Politics and Society, DOI: 10.1080/23745118.2023.2291654
Cordes, Charlotta / zum Felde, Mareike / Pleines, Heiko (2024): The Question of Legacies: Socialist Elites in Post-Socialist Transformations—East Germany’s Elites from a Comparative Perspective (1990–2020), in: Günther, Jutta et al. (eds.): Roadblocks to the Socialist Modernization Path and Transition, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 227-253 (open access).
zum Felde, Mareike (2023): Polish debates on higher education in the Sejm and party manifestos. Data set available online in the repository Discuss Data:
zum Felde, Mareike/ Flanagan, Thomas (2019): Der Zweite Weltkrieg in der Geschichtsdidaktik. 37. Konferenz der Gemeinsamen Deutsch-Polnischen Schulbuchkommission. In: Historie. Jahrbuch des Zentrums für historische Forschung der Polnischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Berlin, 158-162.
zum Felde, Mareike/ Großehabig, Kristina (2017): Dem einen fließt sie links, dem anderen rechts. In: Grenzen im Fluss. Magazin des 13. Jahrgangs des Elitestudiengangs Osteuropastudien der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München und der Universität Regensburg, 24-28.
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