Ekaterina Vorobeva
Research assistant / doctoral student
Innovative Training Network "Markets" (EU-MSCA grant)
Department of Politics and Economics
Room 3750
Current dissertation project
Central Asian Migrant Entrepreneurs in Russia: Transnational Networks and Local Opportunity Structure
Research focus
- Intercultural encounters in the economy
- Intercultural learning with a focus on trade practices
- Migrant and minority entrepreneurship
- Human mobility and ethnic diversity
- Bachelor's Diploma in Cultural Anthrolopogy - 2010-2014, State Pedagogical Herzen University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
- Master's specialisation in Globalisation, Migration and Development - 2016-2017, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands (as an exchange student)
- Master in Baltic Sea Region Studies - 2015-2019, University of Turku, Finland
Work experience
- Researcher, PhD student- since 10/2020, Research Centre Eastern Europe Bremen, Germany Research activities at ITN "Mapping Uncertainties, Challenges and Future Opportunities of Emerging Markets: Informal Barriers, Business Environment and Future Trends in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (MARKETS)".
- Project Researcher - 01/2020 to 08/2020, University of Turku, KONE Foundation, Finland
Participate in the collection of quantitative data on working migrants.
Processing and analysis of the collected data, presentation of the results. - Research Assistant - 10/2019 to 12/2019, University of Turku, Finland.
Participated in collecting quantitative data on the island of Lesvos, Greece, in Moria and Kara Tepe refugee camps.
Processing and analysing the collected data, presenting the results. - Research and Project Assistant - 09/2018 to 11/2018, People for Change Foundation, Malta.
Participated in collecting data regarding migrant entrepreneurship.
Co-authored reports on migrant entrepreneurship and radicalisation. - Research Assistant - 09/2017 to 06/2018, University of Turku, Finland.
Edited and analysed data on refugees from Jordan, Turkey, Iran, Italy, Greece and Finland. - Co-authored reports and articles on relevant topics
- Teaching assistant - 09/2015 to 06/2016, University of Turku, Finland
Participation in courses
Assisting students with course-related tasks
Presentation "Black African entrepreneurs in Finland: structural barriers" at the 20th "Nordic Migration Research Conference", Online, 11-14.01.2021.
Funding from Turku Urban Research Programme for Master's thesis: "Black African Entrepreneurs in Finland: Structural Barriers" (2019).
Speaker at the European Politics and Migration Conference, Krakow, Poland, 2019, on 'Black African Female Entrepreneurs in Finland'.
Vorobeva, E. (2023). From Workers to Entrepreneurs: Central Asian Migrants in the Russian Business Market. Central and Eastern European Migration Review (online first): 1-21. doi: 10.54667/ceemr.2023.21
Vorobeva, E. & Jauhiainen, J. S. (2023). Transnationalism and belonging: national identity negotiations and their outcomes. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2184293
Vorobeva, E. (2022) Overcoming the mobility bias in transnational entrepreneurship. Global Networks: A Journal of Transnational Affairs. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/glob.12424
Vorobeva, E. (2022) How Putin’s Partial Mobilization Turned into Total Mobilization of Migrants. Russian Analytical Digest, 288, pp. 2-4.
Vorobeva, E., Jauhiainen, J. S., and Tammaru, T. (2022) Language, networks, and virtual transnationalism: The case of Russian speakers from Estonia living in Finland. International Migration, 00, pp.1 19. https://doi.org/10.1111/imig.12969
Vorobeva, E. (2022) Chapter 11. Intersectionality and Minority Entrepreneurship: At the Crossroad of Vulnerability and Power. In: Dana, LP., Khachlouf, N., Maâlaoui, A., Ratten, V. (eds) Disadvantaged Minorities in Business. Contributions to Management Science. Springer, Cham, pp. 225-235. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-97079-6_11
Vorobeva, E. (2022) Chapter 1. Introduction to this Book. In: Dana, LP., Khachlouf, N., Maâlaoui, A., Ratten, V. (eds) Disadvantaged Minorities in Business. Contributions to Management Science. Springer, Cham, pp. 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-97079-6_1
Vorobeva, E., Jauhiainen, J. S., and Tammaru, T. (2022) Language, networks, and virtual transnationalism: The case of Russian speakers from Estonia living in Finland. International Migration, 00, pp.1-19. https://doi.org/10.1111/imig.12969
Vorobeva, E., and Dana, L.-P. (2021). The COVID-19 pandemic and migrant entrepreneurship: Responses to the market shock. Migration Letters, 18(4), 477–485. https://doi.org/10.33182/ml.v18i4.1400.
Vorobeva, E., and Dana, L.-P. (2021). Negative Racialization in the Business Market: The Case of African Entrepreneurs in Finland. Immigrant Entrepreneurs Series of SAGE Business Cases. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529764079.
Dana L.-P., and Vorobeva, E. (2021). Understanding the Term ‘Minority Entrepreneurship’. In: Cooney T.M. (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Minority Entrepreneurship. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 15-32. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-66603-3_2.
Jauhiainen, J., and Vorobeva, E. (2021). Syrian refugees and other Syrian forced migrants in Jordan: Forms of capital approach. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, https://doi.org/10.1080/13530194.2021.1964068, accepted for publication.
Jauhiainen, J., and Vorobeva, E. (2020). Asylum seekers and migrants in Lesvos, Greece, 2019-2020. University of Turku.
Vorobeva, E. (2020). Revision of Pull and Push Factors to Migrant Entrepreneurship. Siirtolaisuus/Migration, 46, 37-39.
Tedeschi, M., Vorobeva, E., and Jauhiainen, J. S. (2020). Transnationalism: Current debates and new perspectives. GeoJournal, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10708-020-10271-8.
Vorobeva, E. (2019). Intersectionality and Policy-Making: Structural Barriers to Entrepreneurship for Black African Females in Finland. Politeja, 16/(6)63, 139-151.
Jauhiainen, J., and Vorobeva, E. (2018). Migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in Jordan, 2017. University of Turku.
Hossain, M. A., and Vorobeva, E. (2018). International Migration and Development Debates: Evidences from Bangladesh. In: Environment and Sustainable Development in Bangladesh: Geographical Perspectives (Eds. H. Khatun, N. Ahmad, AQM Mahbub and H. Kabir), Department of Geography and Environment, University of Dhaka, 241-256.
Vorobeva, E. (2017). Ethnic diversity in the Northern Europe: Social implications. Herzen State University.
Non-academic publications:
02.08.2023 Vorobeva, Ekaterina: Gender Roles in Wartime Russia. Transitions, https://tol.org/client/article/gender-roles-in-wartime-russia.html.
31.01.2022 Vorobeva, Ekaterina: Proving that you are not a foreign agent: Notes on fieldwork in Russia, ITN MARKETS Blog, https://markets-int.eu/blog/notesonfieldworkinrussia.
01.06.2022 Vorobeva, Ekaterina: Mertvye Dushi (Russian Federation, 1991- onwards), Global Informality Project, https://www.in-formality.com/wiki/index.php?title=Mertvye_Dushi_(Russian_Federation,_1991-_onwards).
20.10.2022 Vorobeva, Ekaterina: A Journey into the Unknown. Transitions, https://tol.org/client/article/a-journey-into-the-unknown.html.
09.11.2022 Vorobeva, Ekaterina: The Price of Escaping Putin’s Mobilisation. Transitions, https://tol.org/client/article/the-price-of-escaping-putins-mobilization.html