Dr. Gulnaz Isabekova-Landau
Post-doctoral research fellow
CRC 1342 Global Dynamics of Social Policy
Project B06 (2022-2025) Resource Boom and Social Policy in Authoritarian Regimes. A Means of Securing Regime Stability?
Room 3740 / Phone 0421-218-57072
PhD Thesis (Supervisors: Heiko Pleines, Monika Ewa Kaminska, Kristina Jönsson)
Research Interests:
- The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (2015-2030)
- Public health, healthcare systems, and health aid
- Poverty, inequality, and labor migration
2015–2021 Affiliated fellow (Ph.D. student) at the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences within the Marie Curie Innovative Training Network „Caspian“.
2011-2012 MSc in Comparative Public Policy, the University of Edinburgh
2007-2011 BA in International and Comparative Politics and International Law, American University of Central Asia (AUCA)
Work experience
2022-present Post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Bremen and the Research Centre for East European Studies in the context of the CRC 1342 Global Dynamics of Social Policy (Phase Two)
2024-present Expert in the World Health Organization’s in the Kyrgyz Republic, within the framework of the joint initiative on the “Health in the Mountains Agenda”
2023 Expert in the project on “Kazakhstan Actions Against Trafficking in Children” implemented by Winrock International
2018–2021 Research fellow at the University of Bremen and the Research Centre for East European Studies in the context of the CRC 1342 Global Dynamics of Social Policy (Phase One)
2015–2018 Early stage researcher at the Research Centre for East European Studies within the Marie Curie Innovative Training Network „Caspian“
2017–2018 Research Consultant (volunteer) at AIDS Foundation East-West, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2012–2021 Country Coordinator for Kyrgyzstan (remote) at the Varieties of Democracy (V-dem) project, the University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
2014–2015 Project Specialist/Assistant at the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
2014–2015 Analyst (remote) at the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, Oslo, Norway
2014–2015 Research assistant “Parliamentarism and accountability in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan: parties, fractions and civil society before and after 2010,” AUCA/ Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
2012–2014 Project manager at the Kyrgyz-German “Naryn” LLC, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
2010–2011 Team research on “Politics and conflict in Kyrgyzstan in 2010: migration link” coordinated by UNESCO and AUCA Social Research Center, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
2009–2012 Team research project on the “Elites of Kyrgyzstan,” department of International and Comparative Politics, AUCA, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
2007–2010 Public assistant at the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Isabekova, G. (2024). Stakeholder Relationships and Sustainability. The Case of Health Aid to the Kyrgyz Republic. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-3-031-31990-7.
Heinrich, A. and Isabekova, G. (2023). Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis in the Post-Soviet Region. A Tale of Vulnerability through Labor Migration. In: Mossig. I. and Obinger, H. (Eds.). Mapping Global Dynamics of Social Policy (pp. 56-59). Uni-Druckerei Bremen. ISSN (Online) 2629-5741.
Isabekova, G. (2023). Rapid Situational Assessment on the Child Trafficking Context and Response in Southern Kazakhstan: Situational Analysis Report. The report was prepared for Winrock International’s Kazakhstan Country Office for the Kazakhstan Actions Against Trafficking in Children project (2023–2026).
Isabekova, G. (2022). Treatment at risk: issues and opportunities for access to tuberculosis treatment in Armenia. In: I. Ilja Michels, H. Stöver and D. Deimel (Eds.), Drug Cultures and Policy in Germany, Central Asia and China, Nomos, 237-257
Heinrich, A., Isabekova. G., Müller, A., Pleines, H. (2022). Causal mechanisms in the introduction of mandatory health insurance in the post-Soviet region. In: J. Kuhlmann and F. Nullmeier (Eds.), Causal Mechanisms in the Global Development of Social Policies, Palgrave Macmillan 141-165
Isabekova, G. (2022). Team Europe in the South Caucasus. Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Caucasus Analytical Digest 126, 8-20.
Heinrich, A., Isabekova. G., Müller, A., Pleines, H., Ten Brink, T. (2021). The Agency of Recipient Countries in Transnational Policy-related Knowledge Transfer: From Conditionality to Elaborated Autonomous Policy Learning. Communist and Post-Communist Studies 54(3), 51-72.
Isabekova, G. (2020). Mutual learning on the local level: The Swiss Red Cross and the Village Health Committees in the Kyrgyz Republic. Global Social Policy 21(1), 117-137.
Isabekova, G. and Pleines, H. (2020). Integrating development aid into social policy: Lessons on cooperation and its challenges learned from the example of health care in Kyrgyzstan. Social Policy & Administration, online first.
Isabekova, G. (2019). The Contribution of Vulnerability of Labour Migrants to Drug Resistance in the Region: Overview and Suggestions. European Journal of Development Research 31, 620-642.
Isabekova, G. (2019). Diverse health care developments: the role of national and international actors. In S. An, T. Chubarova, B. Deacon, P. Stubbs (Eds.), Social policy, poverty and inequality in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union (pp. 235-260). Ibidem Press. ISBN-13: 978-3-8382-1308-87
Isabekova, G. (2019). The relationships between stakeholders engaged in development assistance: towards an analytical framework. SOCIUM SFB 1342 Working Papers 3, 1-28. ISSN 2629-5741
Isabekova, G. (2018). Healthcare Workers in the Southern Caucasus: Availability, Migration and Patients’ Access to Healthcare. Caucasus Analytical Digest 103, 6-17.
Isabekova, G. (2017). Restricted Data on Development Assistance: The Case of Healthcare Interventions in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. Around the CASPIAN Policy paper 6, 1-7.
Isabekova, G. (2016). Wer bekommt wieviel? Entwicklungshilfe im Gesundheitswesen der zentralasiatischen Staaten [Who gets what? Development assistance to healthcare in Central Asian countries]. Zentralasien-Analysen 108, 2-5
Isabekova, G., Ormushev, K., Omokeev, T., Williams, A., Zakharchenko, N. (2013). Leaking Projects? Corruption and Local Water Management in Kyrgyzstan. U4 Practical Insight 2013(3), 1-11.
Isabekova, G. and Mayjanova, S. (2009). Central Asian Cooperation on Water Issues and the ways of its improvement. AUCA Academic Review 1(9), 58-64. Albino LTD.
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