Yana Lysenko
Project “Comparing Protest Actions in Soviet and Post-Soviet Spaces, Data Reuse - Ukraine”
Research interests
Armed conflicts
De facto states
Identities and civil society in crisis times
Ukraine-Russia relations
Short CV
since October 2024: researcher at the Research Centre for East European Studies
June 2022 - January 2023: Research assistant in the research project „Subnational elite cohesion and turnover in authoritarian regimes: a network analysis perspective“, University of Bremen
October 2021 - March 2022: Research internship at the Research Centre for Eastern Europe, University of Bremen
April 2018 - July 2021: Research assistant in the research project “Media Control as a Source of Political Power”, Research Center for Eastern Europe at the University of Bremen
Since 2019: MA „Political Science“ at the University of Bremen
October 2018: Lecturer for the course “Insights into the Russian language and regional studies” at the faculty of “Integrated European Studies”, University of Bremen
2015 - 2019: BA „Integrated European Studies“ at the University of Bremen
2010 - 2015: BA and MA at the National University of Donetsk (Donetsk and Vinnytsia), Master of Philology (German/English), Interpreter / Translator / Lecturer
Lysenko, Yana (2023): “Filtration”: system, process and goals, in: Ukrainian Analytical Digest 3, 7-12. https://css.ethz.ch/en/publications/uad/details.html?id=/n/o/3/r/no_3_russian_occupation_in_ukraine
Lysenko, Yana (2023): Etablierungsformen russischer Herrschaft in den besetzten Gebieten der Ukraine: Wege und Gesichter der Okkupation, in: Ukraine-Analysen 275, 2-6. https://www.laender-analysen.de/ukraine-analysen/282/etablierungsformen-russischer-herrschaft-in-den-besetzten-gebieten-der-ukraine-wege-und-gesichter-der-okkupation/
Lysenko, Yana (2022):“Filtration“: System, Ablauf und Ziele, in: Ukraine-Analysen 275, 5-10, and Russland-Analysen 427, 9-14. https://www.laender-analysen.de/ukraine-analysen/275/filtration-system-ablauf-und-ziele/, https://www.laender-analysen.de/russland-analysen/427/filtration-system-ablauf-und-ziele/
Lysenko, Yana (2022): Die Ostukraine als Schlachtfeld im Identitätskonflikt, in: europa ethnica 3/4 (79. Vol.), 163-172. https://www.nomos-elibrary.de/10.24989/0014-2492-2022-34/europa-ethnica-jahrgang-79-2022-heft-3-4?hitid=00&search-click&page=1
Lysenko, Yana (2022): Learning from the SMM to Ukraine: A new mission or a new OSCE? In: Cornelius Friesendorf and Stefan Wolff (eds.): Russia’s War Against Ukraine: Implications for the Future of the OSCE, OSCE Network Perspectives I/2022 (OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions, June 2022), p. 56-61.
Lysenko, Yana (2022): Kommunikationsstrategien im Krieg: Andrij Melnyk und Vitali Klitschko. In: Ukraine-Analysen No. 268, 04.05.2022, 13-16.
Lysenko, Yana (2022): Die OSZE-Sonderbeobachtermission in der Ukraine: Wunsch und Wirklichkeit. In: Ukraine-Analysen Nr. 262, 22.02.2022, 14-15 and Russland-Analysen Nr. 414, 22.02.2022, 22-24.
Lysenko, Yana (2022): Leben im Schatten: Überlebensstrategien der Menschen in der «Volksrepublik Donezk». In: Ukraine-Analysen Nr. 261, 14.02.2022, 2-6.
Lysenko, Yana (2022): Offshore-Geschäfte: Selenskyj und Kolomojskyj in den Pandora-Papers. In: Ukraine-Analysen Nr. 256, 14.10.2021, 7-8.
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