The Research Centre for East European Studies (FSO), Bremen, 25-27.08.2025
7:00 pm, Theater Bremen, Foyer Großes Haus
“White But Not Quite": Does anti-eastern European racism exist?
with author Ivan Kalmar
Introduction: Klaas Anders, Moderation: Anke Hilbrenner
Coming to the Surface or Going Underground? Art Practices, Actors, and Lifestyles in the Soviet Union of the 1950s-1970s
The Research Centre for East European Studies (FSO), Bremen, November 13-14, 2025
Prof. Dr. Nataliya Horin
Visiting Scholar
Current research project: New Trends in Economic Relations between the EU and Ukraine under the Association Agreement
Research areas
International economic relations
Regional economic integration
Global trade
Sustainable economic development
Eco-innovative development
Short biography
Ph.D., Economics, Ukrainian Academy of Foreign Trade, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2004
Ph.D. course, specialty International Economic Relations and World Economy, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine, 1998 – 2003
MA, Economics, specialty International Economic Relations and World Economy, Ternopil Academy of National Economy, Ternopil, Ukraine, 1998
Work Experience
01/09/2008 – present – Associate Professor, Department of International Economic Relations, Faculty of International Relations, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine
01/09/2002 – 31/08/2008 – Assistant Professor, Department of International Economic Relations, Faculty of International Relations, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine
Teaching Courses
Economy and International Economic Relations of Ukraine (from 2015)
International Logistics (from 2014)
Management and Marketing (from 2018)
Strategic Management (from 2020)
Organization of Foreign Trade Operations (2008-2020)
International Innovation Management (2018-2019)
Regulation of Foreign Economic Activity (2008-2017)
Global Markets and Technologies (2014-2016)
Common Agricultural Policy of the EU (2008-2015)
World Economy (2008-2012, 2016-2018)
International Economic Relations (2008-2010, 2013-2015)
Intellectual Property Rights on a Global Market (2010-2015)
Trade Policy (2008-2012)
Fellowships and Internships
05/2022 University of Warsaw
05/2019 Warsaw School of Economics
02-06/2017 National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic, University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovakia
09/2015 – 06/2016 Erasmus Mundus Action 2, Project ALRAKIS II, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
09/2011 – 06/2012 National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic, Iniversity of Economics in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia
04/2007, internship, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Warsaw, Poland
09/2006 – 06/2007, Lane Kirkland Scholarship provided by Polish-American Fulbright Commission, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Selected publications
Ukrainian Diplomatic Dictionary (2021). Edited by M.Malsky, Yu.Moroz, Lviv, IFNUL, 566 p. (in Ukrainian)
International Relations: Politics. Economy. Law (2017). Edited by M.Malsky, Yu.Moroz, Lviv, IFNUL, 476 p. (in Ukrainian)
Horin, N. Formation of the British Colonial Empire. The Development of British Capitalism in the 19th century. Adam Smith and David Ricardo's Theories of International Trade. In: History of International Economic Relations (2013). Edited by I.Hrabynskyi, Lviv, Ukrainian Technologies, 336p. ISBN 978-966-345-278-4 (in Ukrainian)
Management of European Economic Integration (2012). Edited by S.Pysarenko, Kyiv, Znannya, 373p. ISBN 978-966-346-818-1 (in Ukrainian)
Horin, N.V. (2008). State Regulation of Foreign Economic Activity, Kyiv, Znannya, 330 p. ISBN 978-966-346-589-0 (in Ukrainian)
- Horin, N., Aleksander Kuczabski (2022). Quantitative and qualitative changes in the world economy during the COVID-19 pandemic. P. 44-64. In: The COVID-19 pandemic in the perspective of social threats (2022). Edited by D.Domalewska, 238 p. ISBN 978-83-8263-242-2
- Horin, N. (2019). Evaluation of the effects of liberalization of agri-food trade within the Ukraine-EU free trade zone. P. 95-108. In: Changes in selected agri-food markets in the European Union countries (2019). Edited by science. E. Kacperska, Warsaw: SGGW Publishing House, 127 pp. (In Polish)
- Horin, N. (2008). The System of Regulation of Foreign Trade in Agricultural Products: Polish Experience, Lviv, Publishing centre of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 110+82 p. ISBN 978-966-613-557-8 (in Ukrainian and Polish)
Ukraynets, L., Horin, N. (2021). Determinants and effects of Chinese foreign direct investment in the economy of Ukraine. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, № 2, Р. 9-19. (In English)
Horin, N., Ukraynets, L (2021). Market access prospects for Ukrainian exporters of organic products to the EU market under the ecologization of the EU Common Agricultural Policy. Economic journal Odessa polytechnic university, Issue 16, Vol.2. p. 17-24. (In English)
Horin, N. (2020). Food Security Indicators of Ukraine in Global Dimension. Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series International Relations, Issue 48, p. 208-217. (In Ukrainian)
Ukrainets, L., Horin, N., Yeleyko, I. (2019). Innovative Aspects of Ukraine’s Foreign Economic Cooperation with China. Innovation Potential: State, Cluster, Enterprise, Lisbon, Portugal,10-14. (In English)
Hrabynskyi, I., Horin, N., Risnyy, O. (2019). The relationship between cross-border labour mobility and diffusion of eco-innovations: case of Ukraine. Journal of Social Economic Analysis, St. St. Cyril and Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo, No. 2, p. 211-221. (In English)
Hrabynskyi, I., Horin, N. (2018). Impact of the Free Trade Area Agreement Between Ukraine and the EU on Eco-Innovative Activities of Exporters. Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series International Relations, Issue 44, p. 3–13. (In Ukrainian)
Horin, N. (2018). Cross-Border Cooperation as a Driving Force of Eco-Innovative Development and Economic Security of Ukraine. Management of Development, No.1, pp. 6-11. (In Ukrainian)
Horin, N. (2017). Eco-innovative Activity of Ukrainian SMEs. Problems of World Agriculture. Journal of Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Vol. 17, No. .4, pp. 95-104. (In English)
Horin, N., Ohinok, S. (2017). Ecological franchising as an instrument for the innovative development of the global economy. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University, Series of Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: Stages of Development and Development Issues, No. 875, pp. 130-136. (In Ukrainian)
Hrabynskyi, I., Horin, N., Ukrayinets, L. (2017). Logit and Probit Analysis of Export Behaviour and Eco-Innovation Activity of Enterprises under Globalization: Evidence from Ukraine. Globalization and Its Socio-economic Consequences, Vol. 2, pp. 709-716 (In English)
Hrabynskyi, I., Horin, N., Ukrayinets, L. (2017). Barriers and Drivers to Eco-innovation: Comparative Analysis of Germany, Poland and Ukraine. Economic and Managerial Spectrum, Vol. XI, Issue 1, pp. 13-24. (In English)
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