The Research Centre for East European Studies (FSO), Bremen, 25-27.08.2025
7:00 pm, Theater Bremen, Foyer Großes Haus
“White But Not Quite": Does anti-eastern European racism exist?
with author Ivan Kalmar
Introduction: Klaas Anders, Moderation: Anke Hilbrenner
Coming to the Surface or Going Underground? Art Practices, Actors, and Lifestyles in the Soviet Union of the 1950s-1970s
The Research Centre for East European Studies (FSO), Bremen, November 13-14, 2025
Parliamentary Representation in Central Asia. MPs Between Representing Their Voters and Serving an Authoritarian Regime
ISBN 9780367409012
Published July 6, 2020 by Routledge
196 Pages 9 B/W Illustrations
This book explores the nature of parliamentary representation within the autocratic regimes of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. It argues that although many parliaments are elected under flawed or non-competitive elections, autocratic governments are nevertheless aware of the need to appear representative and accessible to the demands of citizens and that even limited parliaments manage to represent their voters, sometimes in ways not intended by the regime. The book examines how elites structure, manage and organize representation; how they foster the desired kind of representation; and how they limit the ways in which parliaments fulfil their representative functions. The book concludes that Kazakhstan is a more hegemonic form of autocracy and the Kyrgyz Republic a more competitive form and that the degree to which parliaments fulfil their representational functions and how much room for manoeuvre individual MPs have depends largely on how much parties control candidate selection and the daily schedule and administrative resources of parliaments.
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