Completed Research Projects
Energy materiality: Infrastructure, Spatiality and Power
2018-2024, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Study Group, Participant: Prof. Dr. Heiko Pleines
Strategies and Actor of Economic Transformation
(2018-2023, in the context of the Joint Project "Mod-Block" with financial support from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research,head of sub-project: Prof. Heiko Pleines)
Media control as source of political power. The role of oligarchs in electoral authoritarian regimes
(2018 - 2021, funded by the German Research Council - DFG, head of project: Prof. Heiko Pleines)
Documenting Protest Actions
(2016 - 2017, with financial support from DAAD and ZOiS, head of project: Anastasia Stoll)
Domestic debates and foreign policy-making in the Caspian region. The case of export pipelines from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan
(2011 - 2017, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation from 2011 until 2014, Head of project: Prof. Heiko Pleines)
Reforming Informal Institutions. Institutional Reforms and Informal Practices in Post-Soviet Hybrid Regimes
(May 2015 – April 2017, Conducted by Dr Huseyn Aliyev as Post-Doctoral Fellow, Humboldt Foundation)
Towards a common European energy policy? Energy security debates in Poland and Germany
(2014 - 2016, Funded by the Deutsch-Polnische Wissenschaftsstiftung DPWS / Polsko-Niemiecka Fundacja na rzecz Nauki PNFN, Head of project: Prof. Heiko Pleines)
Social Developments and New Forms of Mass Opinion Research in Contemporary Russia
(April 2014 - September 2016, Research Link between the Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen and the Faculty of Sociology, National Research University - Higher School of Economics, Moscow. The German partner has received financial support from the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation. Head of Project in Bremen: Prof. Heiko Pleines)
Political Influence of Oligarchs in Ukraine
(2006 - 2016, Project of Prof. Heiko Pleines)
Transformation and Discourse (information in german language)
(2009 - 2015, Funded by the DFG, Head of Project: Dr. Jakob Fruchtmann)
The Europeanization of Trade Unions in the Countries of the Eastern Enlargement. Perspectives for Interest Representation by Trade Unions and for Trade Union Solidarity within the EU
(09/2012 - 08/2014, Funded by the Hans Böckler Stiftung, Head of Project: Dr. Heiko Pleines)
Corruption in post-socialist societies
(2000 - 2013, Head of Project: Dr. Heiko Pleines)
The Energy Sector and the Political Stability of Regimes in the Caspian Area: A Comparison of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan
(04/2009 - 06/2011, Funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, Head of project: Dr. Heiko Pleines)
Challenges of integration and participation: civil society organizations from new member states in EU governance
(2009 - 2011, Project of Dr. Heiko Pleines)
The political economy of the Russian oil and gas industry
(2002 - 2011, Heads of Project: Dr. Heiko Pleines, Dr. Andreas Heinrich)
Already Arrived in Brussels? Trade Union Representation of the New Member States at the EU Level
(2007 - 2008, Funded by the Otto Brenner-Stiftung, Head of Project: Dr. Heiko Pleines)
NEWGOV. Research team on post-socialist EU member states within NEWGOV-project 24:
Accountability/Participation of Civil Society in New Modes of Governance.The Case of the New EU member states
(09/2004 - 08/2008, Head of Research Team: Dr. Heiko Pleines)
Negotiating and implementing economic reforms in Russia. The case of corporate governance regulation in comparative perspective
(09/2005 - 08/2007, Project of Dr. Heiko Pleines)
Economic Elites and Politics
(2002 - 2007, Project of Dr. Heiko Pleines)
The Influence of Economic-Cultural Factors on Post-Socialist Societies
(1998 - 2006, Head of Project: Prof. Hans-Hermann Höhmann)
State Symbolism in the New Russia
(2002 - 2006, Project of Dr. Isabelle de Keghel)
Russia's Regions on their Way to Europe
(2003 - 2005, Funded by the VolkswagenStiftung, Head of Project: Dr. Galina Michaleva)
Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Trust. The structure and genesis of economic transaction patterns in ‘low-trust’ and ‘high trust’ environments in Eastern and Western Europe.
(2001 - 2003, Funded by the VolkswagenStiftung, Heads of Project: Prof. Dr. Hans-Hermann Höhmann, Dr. Friederike Welter)
Economic-Cultural Factors. The case of Tax Legislation and Tax Practices in the Russian Federation
(04/2000 - 03/2002, Funded by Otto Wolff-Stiftung and Alfred und Cläre Pott-Stiftung, Head of Project: Prof. Dr. Hans-Hermann Höhmann)
Discourses about the past in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (information in german language)
(2000 - 2002, Funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, Project of Dr. Jan Pauer)
Regionalisation in Russia. German-Russian Joint project for inventing teaching materials. (information in german language)
(1998 - 2001, Funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, Project organized by Dr. Galina Michaleva)
Russia's Regions (information in german language)
(1996 - 2001, project organized by Dr. Galina Michaleva)
Law and Culture in Central Europe (publication in german language)
(Duration 1996 - 1998, project conducted by Prof. Wolfgang Schlott, Dr. Jan Pauer)
Country Analytical Digests
» Eastern Europe - Analytical Digests (free subscription + online archive)
online specials on
» Russian street art against war
» Duma debates (in Russian)
» Putin's speeches
» Protest in Russia
» Annexation of Crimea