Collection of Self-Published Materials issued by Oppositional Political Parties and Civil Society Organizations since the End of Socialism
Collection profiles and catalogues
With regard to Poland, self-published materials issued by political parties / organizations as well as by the trade union Solidarność are being collected. The collection of post-Socialist self-published materials dates back to 1989 and is being added to on an ongoing basis. As of March 2014, the collection catalogue contained 3 000 entries. The collection contains materials issued by political parties and election blocs (catalogued by organization) as well as campaign materials (catalogued by year), covering national parliamentary and presidential elections, regional and local elections as well as elections to the European parliament. The collection includes documents from more than 50 political organizations. In addition, the collection also contains self-published materials issued by the trade union Solidarność.
With regard to the Czech Republic, the collection of post-Socialist self-published materials starts in 1990, i.e. it covers the last years of Czechoslovakia, and ends in 2009. The collection catalogue contains 1 400 entries. The collection contains the self-published materials of all those political parties which have been represented in the Czech parliament for at least three parliamentary terms since 1996. These are: Česká strana sociálně demokratická (ČSSD), Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy (KSČM), Křesťanská a demokratická unie – Československá strana lidová (KDU-ČSL), and Občanská demokratická strana (ODS). In addition, the holdings include some self-published materials issued by Občanská demokratická aliance (ODA). |
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