18:15 Uhr, IW3, Raum 0330 / Zoom
Maike Lehmann (Bremen)
Kul‘turnost‘ and Non/Belonging in the Late Soviet Union
(65% der vollen Wochenarbeitszeit, Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L)
ab dem 01. Januar 2025 befristet für 3 Jahre. Bewerbungsfrist: 31.10.2024
Diskussion: Was ist „Osteuropa“? Geschichte und Gegenwart eines widersprüchlichen Konzepts
19 Uhr, Bibliothek der Weserburg Museum für moderne Kunst
Anastasia Tikhomirova, Hans-Christian Petersen, Artur Weigandt, Klaas Anders
Ukrainische Schriftsteller*innen in Zeiten des Krieges
18:00 Uhr, Europapunkt Bremen
Oxana Matiychuk, Susanne Schattenberg
Neuerscheinung / Publikation
Isabekova, Gulnaz, 2019: The relationships between stakeholders engaged in development assistance: towards an analytical framework, SOCIUM SFB 1342 WorkingPapers/3/2019, Bremen: SOCIUM SFB 1342
Kompletter Text im pdf-Format
This working paper combines and systematizes general and specific approaches to studying aid relationships to better understand the relationships between stakeholders engaged in development assistance. Using the actor-centred institutionalism as an epistemological foundation, it emphasizes the role of actors and institutions.
In terms of actors, this paper focuses on relationships between providers of development assistance (donor-donor), providers and countries receiving aid (donor-recipient state), and relationships of donors and recipient states with civil society organizations (donor/recipient state – CSOs). In terms of institutions, it
elaborates on the role of underlying issues in development aid, such as power dynamics (including aid-dependence and capacity), aid volatility, and its (non)flexibility. The paper introduces ‘interaction’ as a generic term encompassing various forms of aid relationships and defines the following ideal types of interaction between the actors: non-coordination, coordination, unequal and equal types of cooperation.
Based on practical examples, this working paper illustrates the complexity of aid structure and the multiplicity of actors engaged in development assistance. The paper problematizes the use of aggregated approaches to actors in understanding their relationships with each other.
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