18:15 Uhr, IW3, Raum 0330 / Zoom
Vitalij Fastovskij (Münster)
Wie man ein humanitäres Imperium aufbaut: Die Tolstoy Foundation im Kalten Krieg
Diskussion: "1000 Tage Krieg in der Ukraine - wie weiter?"
18:00 Uhr, Europapunkt Bremen
Mattia Nelles, Eduard Klein, Oksana Chorna, Susanne Schattenberg
Film und Gespräch: Heller Weg
19:00 Uhr, Kulturwerkstatt Westend
Mit Regisseurin Iryna Riabenka, moderiert von Oksana Chorna
Knowledge transfer of international organisations in countries of the former Soviet Union
Neuer Aufsatz von Andreas Heinrich in der Zeitschrift Global Social Policy (frei zugänglich)
This article tests the assumptions of the literature regarding the neoliberal agenda (‘Washington Consensus’) promoted by international organisations through knowledge transfer and about the power they supposedly have through loan conditionality to impose their will on countries in financial need. In addition, it examines ‘avant-garde measures’ of neoliberal reforms exceeding the requirements from international organisations. Looking at the social policy concepts and advice these organisations give countries in the former Soviet Union, it utilises the example of healthcare reform in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia. The article examines the general advice these organisations gave between 1991 and 2018 for the reorganisation and management of the countries’ healthcare systems, especially concerning the introduction of a mandatory health insurance system.
» Länder-Analysen
» Caucasus Analytical Digest
» Russian Analytical Digest
» Ukrainian Analytical Digest
Online-Dossiers zu
» Russian street art against war
» Dissens in der UdSSR
» Duma-Debatten
» 20 Jahre Putin
» Protest in Russland
» Annexion der Krim
» sowjetischem Truppenabzug aus der DDR
» Mauerfall 1989