18:15 Uhr Kolloquiumsvortrag
Thuc Linh Nguyễn Vũ (Wien)
Between the Heroic and the Mundane: The Vietnamese Presence in Socialist Poland
20.01.2025 Bewerbungsschluss
03.07.-05.07.2024, Dresden
Lunchtalk with Anna Dial
12:00 Uhr, OEG 3790 und Zoom
The ‘Unknown Person’ Publishing House: Community, Art and Activism - Challenges for Independent Publishers in Russia and Exile
18:00 Uhr, OEG 3790
"The Making and Unmaking of the Ukrainian Working Class"
mit Dr. Denys Gorbach (Autor) und Prof. Dr. Jeremy Morris (Diskutant)
Filmvorführung "Herr Zwilling und Frau Zuckermann"
18:00 Uhr, City 46
DE 1999, Regie: Volker Koepp, 126 Minuten, OmU
Einführung: Prof. Dr. Susanne Schattenberg
NS-Überlebende in der Ukraine heute
19Uhr, Landeszentrale für politische Bildung
Vortrag von Ragna Vogel (Verein KONTAKTE-KOHTAKTЫ)
und Marcus Meyer (Denkort Bunker Valentin)
Russia’s War in Ukraine
19Uhr, Kukoon, Eintritt frei
Buchvorstellung und Diskussion
Neuer Aufsatz
Teil des von Esther Somfalvy mitherausgegebenen Themenheftes "Understanding Media Control in the Digital Age"
Somfalvy, Esther / Pleines, Heiko (2021): The agency of journalists in competitive authoritarian regimes. A case study of Ukraine during the Yanukovich presidency, in: Media and Communication 9:4, 82-92 (open access)
Media control comprises multifaceted and amorphous phenomena, combining a variety of forms, tools, and practices. Today media control takes place in a sphere where national politics meet global technology, resulting in practices that bear features of both the (global) platforms and the affordances of national politics. At the intersection of these fields, we try to understand current practices of media control and the ways in which it may be resisted. This thematic issue is an endeavour to bring together conceptual, methodological, and empirical contributions to revise the scholarly discussion on media control. First, authors of this thematic issue re-assemble the notion of media control itself, as not being holistic and discrete (control vs freedom) but by considering it from a more critical perspective as having various modes and regimes. Second, this thematic issue brings a “micro” perspective into understanding and theorising media control. In comparison to structural and institutional perspectives on control, this perspective focuses on the agency of various actors (objects and subjects of media pressure) and their practices, motivations, and the resources with which they exert or resist control. Featuring cases from a broad range of countries with political systems ranging from democracy to electoral authoritarian regime, this issue also draws attention to the question of how media control relates to regime type.
» Länder-Analysen
» Belarus Analytical Digest
» Caucasus Analytical Digest
» Moldovan Analytical Digest
» Russian Analytical Digest
» Ukrainian Analytical Digest
Online-Dossiers zu
» Russian street art against war
» Dissens in der UdSSR
» Duma-Debatten
» 20 Jahre Putin
» Protest in Russland
» Annexion der Krim
» sowjetischem Truppenabzug aus der DDR
» Mauerfall 1989