Lesung und Gespräch
17:00 Uhr, Europapunkt
“Das Leben trotz allem lieben”. Tagebuch über eine Reise nach Odesa. Autorin Iryna Fingerova im Gespräch mit Eduard Klein
18:00 Uhr, Kino City 46
"Nawalny" (ENG/RUS 2022, Regie: Daniel Roher, 98 Minuten, OmdU), Gespräch: Olesya Krivtsova und Denis Shedov
17:00 Uhr, Bremer Marktplatz
Frieden und Freiheit für die Ukraine!
Vortrag und Diskussion
19:00 Uhr, Landeszentrale für politische Bildung
NS-Überlebende in der Ukraine heute. Ragna Vogel (Kontakte-Контакты e.V.) und Marcus Meyer (Denkort Bunker Valentin) im Gespräch mit Muriel Nägler
19:00 Uhr, Kukoon
Russia’s War in Ukraine. Ukrainische Wissenschaftler*innen beschreiben den Krieg.
Autorin Tetiana Kostiouchenko im Gespräch mit Eduard Klein
Victim of Its Own Success (?) – The European Union's Anti-corruption Policy Advice in Ukraine Between Grand Visions and (Geo)political Realities
Neue Publikation von Michael Martin Richter:
"The European Union's (EU) external governance enjoys significant attention in the literature. Yet its outcomes are usually assessed with reference to strategic documents or scholars' self-designed criteria. This article contributes to the ongoing debate with a discourse analysis focusing on the perceptions of anti-corruption reform outcomes in Ukraine by actors on different levels in the EU. Simultaneously, structural factors are incorporated into the analysis. It demonstrates that although constant progress is officially proclaimed by the EU, even technical advisers disagree on how success in this crucial domain is understood and how to measure it. High-level representatives face a balancing act between conditionality demands, sovereignty limitations and geopolitical considerations. This explains the official signalling by the EU and the development of its rule-of-law reform conditionality. The outcome is a potential state of moral hazard and raise the question whether EU external governance has not become a victim of its ‘own success’."
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