18:15 Uhr Kolloquiumsvortrag
Thuc Linh Nguyễn Vũ (Wien)
Between the Heroic and the Mundane: The Vietnamese Presence in Socialist Poland
20.01.2025 Bewerbungsschluss
03.07.-05.07.2024, Dresden
18:00 Uhr, OEG 3790
"The Making and Unmaking of the Ukrainian Working Class"
mit Dr. Denys Gorbach (Autor) und Prof. Dr. Jeremy Morris (Diskutant)
Filmvorführung "Herr Zwilling und Frau Zuckermann"
18:00 Uhr, City 46
DE 1999, Regie: Volker Koepp, 126 Minuten, OmU
Einführung: Prof. Dr. Susanne Schattenberg
NS-Überlebende in der Ukraine heute
19Uhr, Landeszentrale für politische Bildung
Vortrag von Ragna Vogel (Verein KONTAKTE-KOHTAKTЫ)
und Marcus Meyer (Denkort Bunker Valentin)
The Question of Legacies: Socialist Elites in Post-Socialist Transformations—East Germany’s Elites from a Comparative Perspective (1990–2020)
Neue Publikation von Charlotta Cordes, Mareike zum Felde und Heiko Pleines:
"Today’s knowledge about elites in East Germany since 1990 is still shaped by the convergence perspective, which implicitly defines West Germany as the benchmark of desired development. In this contribution, we challenge existing assumptions by changing the reference frame. To do so, we compare a sample of office holders in politics and the economy (1990–2020) in East Germany with corresponding elite members in selected countries of Eastern Central Europe (N = 2439). We differentiate between two groups within the elite of East Germany defined by the place of their socialisation prior to 1989, which happened either in East Germany or in West Germany. We consider their political learning process, professional background as well as their age and gender. While East Germany’s regional elites are, in many aspects of their social profiles, very similar to the national elites in East Central Europe, our analysis also identifies important differences. Moreover, we argue that for a better understanding of political elites the question of political socialisation and experience should be at the centre of further investigation."
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» Belarus Analytical Digest
» Caucasus Analytical Digest
» Moldovan Analytical Digest
» Russian Analytical Digest
» Ukrainian Analytical Digest
Online-Dossiers zu
» Russian street art against war
» Dissens in der UdSSR
» Duma-Debatten
» 20 Jahre Putin
» Protest in Russland
» Annexion der Krim
» sowjetischem Truppenabzug aus der DDR
» Mauerfall 1989