CfA: „Challenges of Data Collection, Re-use, and Analysis: Public Opinion, Political Debates, and Protests in the Context of the Russo-Ukrainian War"
The Research Centre for East European Studies (FSO), Bremen, 25-27.08.2025
19:00 Uhr, Theater Bremen, Foyer Großes Haus
"White But Not Quite": Gibt es antiosteuropäischen Rassismus?
mit Autor Ivan Kalmar
Einführung: Klaas Anders, Moderation: Anke Hilbrenner
18:15 Uhr, IW3 0330 / Zoom
Muriel Nägler
Einführung für Studierende
18:15 Uhr, IW3 0330 / Zoom
Agata Zysiak (Vienna/Lodz)
The Socialist Citizenship. Social Rights and Class in Postwar Poland
Buchvorstellung und Gespräch
18:00 Uhr, Europapunkt
Ein Russland nach Putin?
mit Jens Siegert und Susanne Schattenberg
CfP: Coming to the Surface or Going Underground? Art Practices, Actors, and Lifestyles in the Soviet Union of the 1950s-1970s
The Research Centre for East European Studies (FSO), Bremen, November 13-14, 2025
18:15 Uhr, IW3 0330 / Zoom
Hera Shokohi (Bonn)
Genozid und Totalitarismus. Die Sprache der Erinnerung an die Opfer des Stalinismus in der Ukraine und Kasachstan
18:15 Uhr, IW3 0330 / Zoom
Sheila Fitzpatrick (Melbourne)
Lost Souls. Soviet Displaced Persons and the Birth of the Cold War
Stakeholder Relationships And Sustainability
The Case Of Health Aid To The Kyrgyz Republic
Neue Publikation von Gulnaz Isabekova:
"This open-access book analyses how stakeholder relationships impact the sustainability of health aid. It does this by providing an overarching analytical framework, which allows for a systematic analysis of sustainability, relationships, and a possible causal link between these phenomena. The book goes beyond universal paradigms and detailed single-case studies by offering a thorough analysis of development projects to identify the factors that are also applicable to similar initiatives in comparable contexts.
Empirically, it focuses on two health initiatives, both implemented in the Kyrgyz Republic, a country pursuing a sector-wide approach to health aid. Unique primary material provides insights into a geographic region that is mostly neglected, and will be of interest to students and researchers of social policy, development studies, international health and those focusing on the post-Soviet region and Central Asia."
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