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Bewerbungsschluss 05.01.2025
20h/Monat ab 1. April 2025; Unterstützung in Forschung und Lehre
Admin, max. 18h / Woche
zum 01.01.2025
18:15 Uhr, IW3, Raum 0330 / Zoom
Kerstin Brückweh (Erkner)
Wohnen und Wohneigentum. Lässt sich aus der Geschichte der Transformation in Ostdeutschland lernen?
20.01.2025 Bewerbungsschluss
03.07.-05.07.2024, Dresden
18:00 Uhr, OEG 3790
"The Making and Unmaking of the Ukrainian Working Class"
mit Dr. Denys Gorbach (Autor) und Prof. Dr. Jeremy Morris (Diskutant)
Dr. Andreas Heinrich
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
SFB 1342: Globale Entwicklungsdynamiken von Sozialpolitik
Teilprojekt B06: Externe Reformmodelle und interne Debatten bei der Neukonzipierung von Sozialpolitik in der post-sowjetischen Region
Raum 3720 / Telefon 0421-218-57071
- Energiesektor in der GUS
- Internationale Energiekonflikte
- Internationale Politische Ökonomie
- Politische Regime mit demokratischer Verfassung und autoritären Tendenzen
- Knowledge-Transfer internationaler Organisationen
- Gesundheitspolitik
1990 – 1997: Studium der Osteuropäischen Geschichte, Politikwissenschaften und Soziologie an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
1998 – 2001: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Osteuropa-Institut der Feien Universität Berlin im Projekt "Transformation and Globalisation: Driving Forces of Post-Soviet Change".
2003: Promotion in Politikwissenschaften am Osteuropa-Institut der Freien Universität Berlin zu Thema „Globale Einflussfaktoren auf das Unternehmensverhalten. Die Corporate Governance des russischen Erdöl- und Erdgassektors“.
2003 – 2008: Assoziierter Mitarbeiter in der Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Sell/ Corporate Governance, Institut für Weltwirtschaft und internationales Management (IWIM), Universität Bremen.
2005 – 2009: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Koszalin Institute of Comparative European Studies (KICES) in Koszalin, Polen.
2006 – 2007: Residential Fellow am Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC, USA.
2008: Residential Fellow am Institut für Soziologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Bratislava im Rahmen des National Scholarship Programme der Regierung der Slowakischen Republik.
Seit 2009: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Forschungsstelle Osteuropa an der Universität Bremen.
2011: Residential Fellow im Rahmen des E.ON Ruhrgas Scholarship Programme (IS-RUHR) am Norwegischen Institut für Verteidigungsstudien (Institutt for Forsvarsstudier, IFS) in Oslo, Norwegen.
Seit 2018: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Sonderforschungsbereich 1342 “Globale Entwicklungsdynamiken von Sozialpolitik”, Forschungsstelle Osteuropa an der Universität Bremen.
Teilprojekt B06: “Externe Reformmodelle und interne Debatten bei der Neukonzipierung von Sozialpolitik in der post-sowjetischen Region”.
Globale Einflußfaktoren auf das Unternehmensverhalten. Die corporate governance des russischen Erdöl- und Erdgassektors [Global influences on enterprise behaviour: the corporate governance of the Russian oil and gas sector]. Münster: Lit Verlag 2004 (Osteuropa: Geschichte, Wirtschaft, Politik, Band 36).
Die sozialistische Transformation der Ukraine, 1917-1934. Analyse der politischen, ökonomischen und sozialen Veränderungen vom Zusammenbruch des Zarenreiches bis zum Abschluß der Kollektivierung [The Socialist Transformation of the Ukraine, 1917-1934. Analysis of the Political, Economic and Social Change from the Breakdown of the Russian Empire to the End of Collectivisation]. Marburg: Tectum Verlag 1997 (Edition Wissenschaft; Reihe Geschichte, Band 32).
Herausgeberschaften / Edited Volumes
Export Pipelines from the CIS Region: Geopolitics, Securitization, and Political Decision-Making. Stuttgart: ibidem, 2014 [together with Heiko Pleines].
Challenges of the Caspian Resource Boom: Domestic Elites and Policy-making. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012 [together with Heiko Pleines].
"Debates about export pipelines from the post-Soviet region: Opinion leaders and advocacy coalitions", in: Extractive Industries and Society, 8(4), 2021 [together with Heiko Pleines]
“The Agency of Recipient Countries in Transnational Policy-related Knowledge Transfer: From Conditionality to Elaborated Autonomous Policy Learning”, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 54 (3), 2021, 51–72 [together with Gulnaz Isabekova, Armin Müller, Heiko Pleines and Tobias ten Brink].
“International Knowledge Transfer and Learning in Social Policy: The Case of the post-Soviet Region”, Global Social Policy, 21(1), 2021, 3–8.
“The Advice They Give: Knowledge Transfer of International Organisations in Countries of the Former Soviet Union”, Global Social Policy, 21(1), 2021, 9–33.
“Challenges for the Management of Qualitative and Quantitative Data: The Example of Social Policy-related Data Collections”, Global Social Policy, 21(1), 2021, 138–143 [together with Eduard Klein].
“Transparency and Quality Assessment of Research Data in post-Soviet Area Studies: The Potential of an Interactive Online Platform”, Journal of Eurasian Studies, 10(2), 2019, 136–146 [together with Felix Herrmann and Heiko Pleines].
“The Meaning of ‘Limited Pluralism’ in Media Reporting under Authoritarian Rule”, Politics and Governance, 6(2), 2018, 103–111 [together with Heiko Pleines].
“Die Rolle der Pipeline-Netzwerke in Zentralasien für die Energieversorgung Europas und Chinas” [The Role of the Central Asian Pipeline Networks for the Energy Supply of Europe and China], Zeitschrift für Weltgeschichte, 18(2), 2017, 197–213.
“Mixing Geopolitics and Business: How Ruling Elites in the Caspian States Justify Their Choice of Export Pipelines”, Journal of Eurasian Studies, 6(2), 2015, 107–113 [together with Heiko Pleines].
“Herausforderungen statt Fluch: Neue Ansätze zum Rentierstaat” [Challenges Instead of a Curse: New Rentier State Approaches], WeltTrends, 22(97), 2014, 29–37 [together with Heiko Pleines].
“Weder Fluch noch Segen. Die Steuerung des Ölbooms im postsowjetischen Raum” [Neither Curse nor Blessing: Oil Booms in the Post-Soviet Region], Osteuropa, 63(7), 2013, 87–100 [together with Heiko Pleines].
“Resource challenges. Die politische Dimension von Ölbooms” [Resource Challenges: The Political Dimension of Oil Booms], Neue Politische Literatur, 57(3), 2012, 443–477 [together with Heiko Pleines].
“Under the Kremlin’s Thumb: Does Increased State Control in the Russian Gas Sector Endanger European Energy Security?”, Europe-Asia Studies, 60(9), 2008, 1539–1574.
“Measuring Corporate Governance on the Firm Level: What Kind of Index Do You Need?”, Osteuropa Wirtschaft, 51(1), 2006, 66–82.
“Russian Companies in Old EU Member States: The Case of Germany”, Journal of East-West Business, 11(3-4), 2005, 41–60.
“Why Corporate Governance in the Russian Oil and Gas Industry Is Improving”, Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 5(4), 2005, 3–9.
“Globalisierung und corporate governance. Rußlands Erdöl- und Erdgassektors” [Globalization and Corporate Governance. Russia’s Oil and Gas Sector], Osteuropa, 54(9-10), 2004, 355–365.
“Internationalisation of Russia’s Gazprom”, Journal for East European Management Studies, 8(1), 2003, 46–66.
“Foreign Investment and National Interests in the Russian Oil and Gas Industry”, Post-Communist Economies, 14(4), 2002, 495–507 (together with Julia Kusznir and Heiko Pleines).
“The European Natural Gas Market in the Next Decade – An Overview”, Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung/ Quarterly Journal of Economic Research, 68(4), 1999, 526–542.
“Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Kazachstans 1992-1998” [The Economic Development of Kazakhstan 1992-1998], Osteuropa Wirtschaft, 44(3), 1999, 257–275.
“Der ungeklärte rechtliche Status des Kaspischen Meeres” [The Unresolved Legal Status of the Caspian Sea], Osteuropa, 49(7), 1999, 671–683.
“Die Drogenmafia in der GUS” [The Drug Mafia in the CIS], Osteuropa, 47(1), 1997, 63–70 [together with Heiko Pleines].
Non peer-reviewed
“Energieprobleme in Russlands Beziehungen mit Belarus” [Energy issues in Russia’s relations with Belarus], Belarus-Analysen (, No. 33, 27 September 2017, 12–16.
“Energy issues in Russia’s relations with Belarus”, Russian Analytical Digest (, No. 206, 12 September 2017, 14–18.
“Auf dem Weg zu einer gemeinsamen EU Energiepolitik? Debatten über Energiesicherheit in Polen und Deutschland” [Toward a Common EU Energy Policy? Debates about Energy Security in Poland and Germany], Polen-Analysen (, No. 190, 1 November 2016 [together with Julia Kusznir, Aleksandra Lis, Heiko Pleines, Karen Smith Stegen and Kacper Szulecki].
“Exportoptionen für russisches Erdgas nach dem Scheitern von South Stream” [Export Options after the Failure of South Stream], Russland-Analysen (, No. 303, 23 October 2015, 2–5.
“Argumente und Debatten? Die Medienberichterstattung in Kasachstan und Turkmenistan zu Exportpipelines aus der Kaspischen Region” [Arguments and Debates: Media Reporting in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan about Export Pipelines from the Caspian Sea], Zentralasien-Analysen (, No. 74, 28 February 2014, 7–12 [together with Heiko Pleines].
“Weder Fluch noch Segen: Die politischen Herausforderungen des Erdölbooms in Kasachstan” [Neither Curse Nor Blessing: The Political Challenges of the Oil Boom in Kazakhstan], Zentralasien-Analysen (, No. 57, 28 September 2012, 2–8 [together with Heiko Pleines].
“Die politischen Herausforderungen eines Erdölbooms: Ressourcenfluch und politische Stabilität in Russland” [The Political Challenges of an Oil Boom: Resource Curse and Political Stability in Russia], Russland-Analysen (, No. 240, 15 June 2012, 7–14 [together with Heiko Pleines].
“The Political Challenges of an Oil Boom: the Resource Curse and Political Stability in Russia”, Russian Analytical Digest (, No. 113, 15 May 2012, 2–8 [together with Heiko Pleines].
“Konfliktreiche Energiepolitik in Belarus” [Conflictual Energy Policy in Belarus], Belarus-Analysen (, No. 2, 26 July 2011, 11–18.
“Russlands Exportpipelines: Diversifizierung oder Bestandssicherung?” [Russia’s Export Pipelines: Diversification or Preservation of the status quo?], Russland-Analysen (, No. 217, 25 March 2011, 18–23.
“The Formal Political System in Azerbaijan”, Caucasus Analytical Digest (, No. 24, 11 February 2011, 2–5.
“Factors Explaining the Smooth Co-operation between German and Russian Gas Companies”, Baltic Rim Economies (BRE), No. 1, 2010, 20 ( [together with Heiko Pleines].
“Commentary: Yes, but that Doesn’t Mean Europe Will Be Warm and Secure”, Europe’s World, No. 8, Spring 2008, 37–41 [Commentary to Andreas Goldthau’s “Russia’s Energy Weapon Is a Fiction”]
“Gazprom’s Expansion Strategy in Europe and the Liberalization of EU Energy Markets”, Russian Analytical Digest (, No. 34, 5 February 2008, 8–15.
“Factors Influencing the Corporate Governance of Post-Socialist Companies. Examples from the Oil Industry”, Ekonomicheskiy Zhurnal Vysshey Shkoly Ekonomiki (HSE Economic Journal), 10(3), 2006, 402–419 (together with Heiko Pleines).
“Gazprom – ein verlässlicher Partner für die europäische Energieversorgung? [Gazprom – a Reliable Partner for European Energy Supply?], Russlandanalysen (, No. 97, 28 April 2006, 2–6.
“Going global. Internationalisierung und corporate governance in der russischen Erdöl- und Erdgaswirtschaft” [Going Global: Internationalization and Corporate Governance in the Russian Oil and Gas Sector], Russlandanalysen (, No. 28, 28 May 2004, 7–8.
“De Invloed van Gazprom. De Relatie tussen Russisch Buitenlandbeleid en Ondernemersbelang” [The Influence of Gazprom. The Relationship between Russian Foreign Policy and Company Interests], Oost-Europa Verkenningen, No. 163, Maart 2001, 42–51.
“Die Importsubstitution als Entwicklungsstrategie in Lateinamerika. Das Fallbeispiel Mexiko” [Import Substitution as a Development Strategy in Latin America. The Case of Mexico], Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, No. 1, 1998, 99–115.
“Die Hungersnot in der Ukraine 1932-1934” [The Famine in Ukraine 1932-1934], Österreichische Osthefte, No. 3, 1997, 369–382.
“Russia’s ‘Nuclear Flea Market’ Tempts Smugglers”, Transition, No. 21, 1995, 9–11 [together with Heiko Pleines].
Pleines, Heiko / Heinrich, Andreas (2023): Resource Boom and Social Policy in Authoritarian Regimes. A Case Study of Russia, in: Hannes Warnecke-Berger, Jan Ickler (eds): The Political Economy of Extractivism. Global Perspectives on the Seduction of Rent, Routledge 2023, 181-198 [together with Heiko Pleines]
The Emergence of the Socialist Healthcare Model after the First World War, in Nullmeier, Frank/ González de Reufels, Delia/ Obinger, Herbert (eds): International Impacts on Social Policy. Short Histories in a Global Perspective, Global Dynamics of Social Policy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 2022.
Causal Mechanisms in the Introduction of Mandatory Health Insurance in the post-Soviet Region, in Kuhlmann, Johanna/ Nullmeier, Frank (eds): Causal Mechanisms in the Global Development of Social Policies, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 2022 [together with Gulnaz Isabekova and Heiko Pleines].
The Energy Politics of Russia and Eurasia, in Hancock, Kathleen J./ Allison, Juliann E. (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Energy Politics. New York: Oxford University Press 2021, 465–505, DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190861360.013.18 [together with Margarita Balmaceda].
Towards a Common European Energy Policy? Energy Security Debates in Poland and Germany, the Case of the Nord Stream Pipeline, in Liebert, Ulrike/ Jenichen, Anne (eds) Europeanisation and Renationalisation: Learning from Crisis for Innovation and Development. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich 2019, 169–182 [together with Heiko Pleines].
Energy Securitisation: Applying the Copenhagen School’s Framework to Energy, in Szulecki, Kacper (ed.) Energy Security in Europe: Divergent Perceptions and Policy Challenges. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan 2018, 33–59 [together with Kacper Szulecki].
Securitisation in the Gas sector: Energy Security Debates Concerning the Example of the Nord Stream Pipeline, in Szulecki, Kacper (ed.) Energy Security in Europe: Divergent Perceptions and Policy Challenges. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan 2018, 61–91.
Kommunikatsiya vo vremya konflikta i rossiysko-ukrainskiy gazovyy spor 2006 goda [Conflict Communication and the Russian-Ukrainian Gas Conflict of 2006], in: Chuvychkina, Inna (ed.) Eksportnye nefte- i gazoprovody na postsovetskom prostranstve. Stuttgart: ibidem, 2015, 171–199.
Introduction: Export Pipelines in Eurasia, in Heinrich, Andreas/ Pleines, Heiko (eds) Export Pipelines from the CIS Region: Geopolitics, Securitization, and Political Decision-Making. Stuttgart: ibidem, 2014, 1–73.
Strategiya sotrudnichestva nemeckikh gasovikh kompanii s Gazpromom, in Devyatkov, A. V./ Makarychev, A. S. (eds) Rossiya i Germaniya v postranstve evropeiskikh komunikacii. Tyumen: Tyumen State University Press, 2013, 197–213 [together with Heiko Pleines].
Introduction: Political Challenges of a Resource Boom, in Heinrich, Andreas/ Pleines, Heiko (eds) Challenges of the Caspian Resource Boom: Domestic Elites and Policy-making. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 1–20.
Conclusion, in Heinrich, Andreas/ Pleines, Heiko (eds) Challenges of the Caspian Resource Boom: Domestic Elites and Policy-making. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 267–279 [together with Heiko Pleines].
Die Corporate Governance von Erdöl- und Erdgasunternehmen in Polen und Ungarn [Corporate Governance of Oil and Gas Companies in Poland and Hungary], in Pleines, Heiko (ed.) Corporate Governance in Post-Sozialistischen Volkswirtschaften. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag 2008, 207–213.
Bestimmungsfaktoren des Corporate Governance-Verhaltens. Ein kausales Modell im empirischen Test [Factors Influencing Corporate Governance. An Empirical Test for a Causal Model], in Pleines, Heiko (ed.) Corporate Governance in Post-Sozialistischen Volkswirtschaften. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag 2008, 185–205 [together with Heiko Pleines].
Der Einfluss der Globalisierung auf die Corporate Governance des russischen Erdöl- und Erdgassektors [The Influence of Globalisation on the Corporate Governance in the Russian Oil and Gas Sector], in Sell, Axel/ Krylov, Alexander (eds) Corporate Governance: Unternehmensverfassung im Ost-West-Dialog. Frankfurt/ Main: Peter Lang 2006, 281–295.
Prozrachnost’ (Transparency) v rossiyskoy neftyanoy promyshlennosti. Mezhdunarodnye standarty i prakticheskie rekommendatsii [Transparency in the Russian Oil Industry. International Standards and Practical Recommendations], in Makarychev, Andrey/ Paleeva, Ol’ga (eds) Energeticheskiy sektor Rossii: prozrachnost’, bezopastnost’, regional’nye variatsii. Nizniy Novgorod: RusExpertTransit/TRACC 2006, 32–47 [together with Julia Kusznir and Heiko Pleines].
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Energy Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, in Kari Liuhto/ Zsuzsanna Vincze (eds) Wider Europe. Tampere: Esa Print 2005, 457–490.
Der Einfluß der Globalisierung auf die Corporate Governance des russischen Erdöl- und Erdgassektors [The Influence of Globalisation on the Corporate Governance in the Russian Oil and Gas Sector], in Krylov, Alexander (ed.) Korporativnoe upravlenie kak faktor konkurentocposobnosti na mirobom rynke/ Corporate Governance als Erfolgsfaktor im internationalen Wettbewerb. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo Natsional’nogo instituta biznesa 2004, 57–59.
Das Steuerverhalten der russischen Erdölindustrie [Taxation Behaviour of the Russian Oil Industry], in Höhmann, Hans-Hermann/ Fruchtmann, Jakob/ Pleines, Heiko (eds) Das russische Steuersystem im Übergang. Rahmenbedingungen, institutionelle Veränderungen, kulturelle Bestimmungsfaktoren. Bremen: Edition Temmen 2002 (Analysen zur Kultur und Gesellschaft im östlichen Europa, Bd. 12), 121–140.
The Integration of Ethnic Germans from the Former Soviet Union, in Rock, David/ Wolff, Stefan (eds) Coming Home to Germany? The Integration of Ethnic Germans from Central and Eastern Europe in the Federal Republic. Oxford: Berghahn Books 2002, 77–86.
Large Corporations as National and Global Players: The Case of Gazprom, in Segbers, Klaus (ed.) Explaining Post-Soviet Patchworks, Vol. 1: Actors and Sectors in Russia between Accommodation and Resistance to Globalization. Aldershot: Ashgate 2001, 97–115.
Internationalisation, Market Structures and Enterprise Behaviour. The Janus-faced Russian Gas Monopoly Gazprom, in Liuhto, Kari (ed.) East Goes West. The Internationalization of Eastern Enterprises. Lappeenranta: University of Technology 2001 (Studies in Industrial Engineering and Management No. 14), 51–87.
Transit Pipelines, in Pleines, Heiko: Energy in Ukraine. London: Financial Times Management Report 1998, 141–172.
Arbeitspapiere / Berichte
Challenges of a Resource Boom: Review of the Literature. Bremen: FSO 2011 (Arbeitspapiere und Materialien der Forschungsstelle Osteuropa, Nr. 114).
The Formal Political System of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. A Background Study. Bremen: FSO 2010 (Arbeitspapiere und Materialien der Forschungsstelle Osteuropa, Nr. 107).
Poland as a Transit Country for Russian Natural Gas: Potential for Conflict. Koszalin: KICES 2007 (KICES Working Papers No. 9-10).
Factors Influencing Corporate Governance in Post-Socialist Companies: An Analytical Framework. Ann Arbor, MI: WDI 2007 (William Davidson Institute Working Paper 896) [together with Aleksandra Lis and Heiko Pleines].
Factors Influencing the Corporate Governance of Post-Socialist Companies. Examples from the Oil Industry. Moscow: State University – Higher School of Economics 2006 (Working Paper WP1/2006/02) [together with Heiko Pleines].
Corporate Governance in the Oil and Gas Industry. Cases from Poland, Hungary, Russia and Ukraine in a Comparative Perspective. Koszalin: KICES 2005 (KICES Working Papers No. 3) [together with Aleksandra Lis and Heiko Pleines].
Independent Gas Producers in Russia. Koszalin: KICES 2005 (KICES Working Papers No. 2) [together with Julia Kusznir].
Russian Gas. NewsBase, Special Report, April. Edinburgh: NewsBase 2005.
Globale Einflüsse und die corporate governance des russischen Erdöl- und Erdgassektors [Global influences and the corporate governance of the Russian oil and natural gas sector]. Bremen: FSO 2003 (Arbeitspapiere und Materialien der Forschungsstelle Osteuropa, Nr. 46).
Die Besteuerung der russischen Erdölindustrie: Viele Köche verderben den Brei [Taxation of the Russian Oil Industry: Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth]. In: Steuerlast und Steuerverhalten russischer Wirtschaftsbranchen. Teil II: Besteuerung der russischen Öl- und Gasindustrie. Bremen: FSO 2001 (Arbeitspapiere und Materialien der Forschungsstelle Osteuropa, Nr. 28), 4–34.
Rußlands Gazprom. Teil II: Gazprom als Akteur auf internationaler Ebene [Russia’s Gazprom. Part II: Gazprom as an Actor on the International Level]. Cologne: BIOst 1999 (Berichte des Bundesinstituts für ostwissenschaftliche und internationale Studien Nr. 34).
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