CfA: „Challenges of Data Collection, Re-use, and Analysis: Public Opinion, Political Debates, and Protests in the Context of the Russo-Ukrainian War"
The Research Centre for East European Studies (FSO), Bremen, 25-27.08.2025
19:00 Uhr, Theater Bremen, Foyer Großes Haus
"White But Not Quite": Gibt es antiosteuropäischen Rassismus?
mit Autor Ivan Kalmar
Einführung: Klaas Anders, Moderation: Anke Hilbrenner
18:15 Uhr, IW3 0330 / Zoom
Muriel Nägler
Einführung für Studierende
18:15 Uhr, IW3 0330 / Zoom
Agata Zysiak (Vienna/Lodz)
The Socialist Citizenship. Social Rights and Class in Postwar Poland
Buchvorstellung und Gespräch
18:00 Uhr, Europapunkt
Ein Russland nach Putin?
mit Jens Siegert und Susanne Schattenberg
CfP: Coming to the Surface or Going Underground? Art Practices, Actors, and Lifestyles in the Soviet Union of the 1950s-1970s
The Research Centre for East European Studies (FSO), Bremen, November 13-14, 2025
18:15 Uhr, IW3 0330 / Zoom
Hera Shokohi (Bonn)
Genozid und Totalitarismus. Die Sprache der Erinnerung an die Opfer des Stalinismus in der Ukraine und Kasachstan
18:15 Uhr, IW3 0330 / Zoom
Sheila Fitzpatrick (Melbourne)
Lost Souls. Soviet Displaced Persons and the Birth of the Cold War
Dr. Svetlana Erpyleva
Post-doctoral researcher
E-mail: /
Current Research Projects
“Politicizing environmental emergency in Russia and Finland”
"How do Russians perceive the Russian military aggression in Ukraine?"
Fields of Research
Political socialization
Political culture
Grassroots politics and civil society in Russia
Russia’s wartime society
Short CV
Ph.D., Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, 2019
MA, Sociology, European University at Saint-Petersburg, 2013
BA, Sociology, State University - Higher School of Economics at Saint-Petersburg, 2010
Professional Employment
2024-present Post-doctoral researcher (funded by KONE), Research Centre for East European Studies, University of Bremen
2013-present Researcher, Public Sociology Laboratory
2022-2024 Humboldt fellow, Post-doctoral researcher, Research Centre for East European Studies, University of Bremen
2021–2022 Post-doctoral researcher, University of Helsinki
2019-2020 Assistant Professor, School of Advanced Studies, University of Tyumen
2017-2019 Researcher and Instructor, School of Advanced Studies, University of Tyumen
2012-2018 Editorial assistant, “Stasis” journal (
Selected Publications
Edited Volumes and Reports
2024 “We need to carry on:” Ethnography of Russian regions during wartime. George Washington University, Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (co-editor, with Sasha Kappinen).
2023 Resigning to Inevitability: How Russians justified the military invasion of Ukraine (fall-winter 2022). George Washington University, Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (co-editor, with Sasha Kappinen).
2015 The Politics of Apoliticals, Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, in Russian (co-editor, with Artemy Magun).
Refereed Journal Articles
2024 “The climate is changing, and the President is not:” How the Russian climate activists avoid politics and fight with the regime, Europe-Asia studies, 76(6): 891-908 (co-authored with Eeva Luhtakallio).
2023 Why Fight?: The Combatant Careers of the Anti-Kyiv Combatants in the Donbass War, Sociological Forum, open access (co-authored with Natalia Savelyeva).
2023 “Too immature for politics?” Political agency in the eyes of Russian adolescent protesters, 2011–20, Childhood 30(3): 219–234.
2023 Protest Event, Political Culture, and the Power of Biography: The Post-Protest Local Activism in Russia, American Journal of Cultural Sociology, open access.
2022 “Collective Cognitive Tasks as a Method for Studying Political Reasoning,” Qualitative Psychology, advance online publication (co-authored with Maxim Alyukov).
2021 “Active Citizens Under Eighteen: Minors in Political Protests.” Journal of Youth Studies 24(9): 1215-1233.
2020 “The Cultural Pragmatics of an Event: the Politicization of Local Activism in Russia.” International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society 33, 163-180 (co-authored with Oleg Zhuravlev and Natalia Savelyeva).
2018 “Freedom’s children in protest movements: Private and public in the socialization of young Russian and Ukrainian activists.” Current Sociology 66(1), 20-37.
2014 “Individualism and Solidarity in New Russian Social Movements.” The Journal of Social Policy Studies 2, 185–200, in Russian (co-authored with Oleg Zhuravlev and Natalia Savelyeva).
2011 “Political Performance as Breaching Experiment in Ethnomethodology.” SOCIS 15, 10–18, in Russian.
Book Chapters
2023 “Political Context and Russian Youth: The Political Socialization of Young Activists under Authoritarianism,” In Jerusha Conner (ed.), Handbook on Youth Activism, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 289-302.
2014 “The Adolescents’ Protests in Russia and Europe: Political Independency in Democratic Societies Revisited.” In Belokurova, Elena and Maria Nozhenko (eds), Made in Europe. The View of Russian Researchers, St. Petersburg, Norma, in Russian.
Editor-Reviewed Articles
2023 “Nicht Befürworter:innen und nicht Gegner:innen: Wie verändert sich bei der Bevölkerung in Russland mit der Zeit die Wahrnehmung des Krieges in der Ukraine?” Russland-Analysen, 434 (co-authored with Oleg Zhuravlev).
2021 Are Children Born Social Actors? Forum for Anthropology and Culture 16, 39-47.
2017 Nationwide Protest and Local Action: How Anti-Putin Rallies Politicized Russian Urban Activism. Russian Analytical Digest 210, 15-19 (co-authored with Oleg Zhuravlev and Natalia Savelyeva).
2013 “‘Parents did not let me go’: protest politicization of adolescents in the depoliticized society.” Sociologia Vlasti 4, 150-174, in Russian.
Selected Media Publications
2024 “(A)moral War: How Russians use Morality to Justify Differing Positions on the War,” Russia.Post, September 16 (co-authored with Sasha Kappinen). Retrieved from:
2023 “Accepting the Inevitable,” Posle, May 3 (co-authored with Sasha Kappinen). Retrieved from:
2023 “‘Once we’ve started, we cannot stop’: How Russians’ attitudes to the war in Ukraine are changing,” Re-Russia, April 14. Retrieved from
2022 “Why do Russians support the war against Ukraine?” OpenDemocracy, April 16. Retrieved from
2021 “What’s new about Russia’s new protests?” OpenDemocracy, June 3. (co-authored with Oleg Zhuravlev). Retrieved from
2020 “Children Changing Politics.” Baltic Rim Economies, 1, February 28. Retrieved from
2018 “The Politicization of Russian Youth.” New Eastern Europe, January 1: 7-13. Retrieved from
2014 “Apoliticism and Solidarity: Local Activism in Russia.” (co-authored with Oleg Zhuravlev and Natalia Savelyeva). Lefteast, October 6. Retrieved from
2021 Post-doctoral Humboldt Fellowship, Research Center for East European Studies, University of Bremen (calendar years 2022/2023)
2020 Post-doctoral Junior Fellowship, the Institute for Advanced Study, Central European University (the academic year 2021/2022, declined)
2020 Visiting Fellowship, Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki (2 months, received, canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic)
2019 Young Russian Scholars Helsinki Fellowship, Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki (2 months)
2017 Research Fellowship, University of Southern California (2 months)
2012 Research Fellowship, Free University of Berlin (1 month)
Research Grants
2025-2028 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), individual research grant funding post-doc position
2023 Global Academy by Russia Program at the IERES, George Washington University (Public Sociology Laboratory)
2021-2024 Kone Foundation (Svetlana Erpyleva, Eeva Luhtakallio, and Maija Jokela)
2019 Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Svetlana Erpyleva, Maxim Alyukov, Matvey Lomonosov, and Brian Smith)
2016-2017 The Volkswagen Foundation (Public Sociology Laboratory, the Research Centre for East European Studies, Centre for Social and Labour Research, and Research and Information Centre Memorial)
2016-2017 The Volkswagen Foundation (Public Sociology Laboratory, the Bonn Centre for Conversion and the Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation
2012-2013 Department of Liberal Arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg State University (Public Sociology Laboratory and group of researchers of St. Petersburg State University)
2010 Heinrich Böll Foundation (individual project)
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