18:15 Uhr, IW3, Raum 0330 / Zoom
Vitalij Fastovskij (Münster)
Wie man ein humanitäres Imperium aufbaut: Die Tolstoy Foundation im Kalten Krieg
Diskussion: "1000 Tage Krieg in der Ukraine - wie weiter?"
18:00 Uhr, Europapunkt Bremen
Mattia Nelles, Eduard Klein, Oksana Chorna, Susanne Schattenberg
Film und Gespräch: Heller Weg
19:00 Uhr, Kulturwerkstatt Westend
Mit Regisseurin Iryna Riabenka, moderiert von Oksana Chorna
Filtration: System, Process, and Goals
Yana Lysenko in Ukrainian Analytical Digest No. 3:
The term “filtration” in the context of the current Russian aggression against Ukraine is attracting international attention and concern. Since Ukraine and Russia use and contextualise the term differently, there is much space for different interpretations of the process and what it means in practice. The following is an attempt to describe and classify the system of “filtration.” The article focuses on “filtration facilities” in the Ukrainian territories currently occupied by Russia as well as in Russia itself, where people can be registered, interrogated, detained, and imprisoned.
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» Länder-Analysen
» Caucasus Analytical Digest
» Russian Analytical Digest
» Ukrainian Analytical Digest
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