17:00 Uhr, Bremer Marktplatz
Frieden und Freiheit für die Ukraine!
Vortrag und Diskussion
19:00 Uhr, Landeszentrale für politische Bildung
NS-Überlebende in der Ukraine heute. Ragna Vogel (Kontakte-Контакты e.V.) und Marcus Meyer (Denkort Bunker Valentin) im Gespräch mit Muriel Nägler
19:00 Uhr, Kukoon
Russia’s War in Ukraine. Ukrainische Wissenschaftler*innen beschreiben den Krieg.
Autorin Tetiana Kostiouchenko im Gespräch mit Eduard Klein
19:00 Uhr, Theater Bremen, Foyer Großes Haus
"White But Not Quite": Gibt es antiosteuropäischen Rassismus?
mit Autor Ivan Kalmar
Einführung: Klaas Anders, Moderation: Anke Hilbrenner
Central and Eastern Europe in a globalized world
3rd Changing Europe Summer School
Central and Eastern Europe in a globalized world
Bremen (Germany) 28 July - 02 August 2008
Organised by the Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen with financial support from the Volkswagen Foundation and in cooperation with the the EU Institute for Security Studies (Paris)
Participants and papers
Selected papers have been published in the Changing Europe book series.
Aluchna, Maria (Warsaw School of Economics, Poland):
Does good corporate governance matter? Best practice in Poland
Bayramov, Vugar (Center for Economic and Social Development , Azerbaijan):
How to use oil revenues effectively in Azerbaijan. Lessons from Norway and Kazakhstan
Di Puppo, Lili (European Viadrina University, Frankfurt/O., Germany):
Anti-corruption interventions in Georgia. From rhetoric to practice
Dimitrova, Elitsa (Center for Population Studies at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria):
Family and Reproduction in Post-Socialist Bulgaria – Towards New Demographic Transition
Häfner, Petra (Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies, Erfurt, Germany):
A European Social Model? Structural Changes in Old-Age Pension Schemes in Central and Eastern European Countries
Ibrahimpasic, Emira (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA):
Muslim Women’s identities in post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina
Ismayilov, Murad (Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy, Azerbaijan):
Building energy transportation networks: an engine for structural change and collective identity formation?
Iusmen, Ingi (University of Strathclyde- Glasgow, Scotland):
The transformation of human rights policies in Romania: institutions, instruments and the dynamics of change
Jackson, Thomas (School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, England):
Serbian migration and development - transfers of social capital to the homeland
Kakucs, Noemi (Central European University, Budapest, Hungary):
Contested global strategies. Can and will gender mainstreaming become local in Hungary?
Kokhan, Halyna (Institute of Ethnonational and Political Research, National Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine):
The Challenges of Political Corruption for Ukraine
Krammer, Sorin (Kiel Institute for World Economics, Kiel, Germany and Rensselaer Polytechnic University, Troy, NY, USA):
Technological gains from global integration via trade and foreign direct investments. The case of Eastern European and Central Asian transition countries
Kulpa, Robert (School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, England):
Queering Poland: Gay identity and LGBT community in the context of the post-communist social change 1989 – 2004
Langbein, Julia (European University Institute, Florence):
Transnationalisation and Change in Economic Institutions: The Case of Ukraine and Industrial Standards Regulations
Magai, Agnes (ECOSTAT Budapest and University Debrecen, Hungary):
Outward Foreign Direct Investment from Central and Eastern Europe - testing the Investment Development Path in the case of Hungary
Maierean, Andreea (Boston University, USA):
The Impact of EU Membership on the Lustration Process in Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Poland
Pape, Ulla (University of Groningen, The Netherlands):
An Uneasy Partnership: NGOs and the Russian State in their Fight against HIV/AIDS
Pasynkova, Veronika (European University at St. Petersburg and Institute of Sociology and Social Processes Management, St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics, Russia):
Labour Policy in the New European Union States: From National State Regulation to “Common” Results
Prelipceanu, Raluca (Sorbonne Centre for Economics, University of Paris 1):
Highly-skilled migration and societal transformation in Romania. Implications for EU integration
Rommens, Thijs (Institute for International and European Policy, KU Leuven, Belgium):
The ENP in the South-Caucasus: Possible impact of the ENP on democratisation
Rustemova, Assel (New School for Social Research, New York, USA):
Central Asia - Economics of Development and its National Ideas
Sata, Robert (Central European University, Budapest, Hungary):
The Geopolitics of Minority Politics: Minority Rights under Europeanization in East-Central Europe
Spoerri-Joksic, Marlene (Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands):
Democratic parties and undemocratic practices: Assessing foreign assistance to political parties in Serbia before and after Regime Change
Tatar, Marius I. (University of Bucharest, Romania):
The impact of international assistance on the Romanian advocacy NGOs
Volynets, Lyudmila (Otto-Suhr-Institute. Free University of Berlin, Germany):
Dynamics in Industrial Relations in the post-Soviet transformation: impact on trade unions in foreign companies in Ukraine
Wylegala, Anna (Graduate School for Social Research, Warsaw, Poland):
Local historical memory in Western Poland. Case study of a small town in the so-called regained lands
Yaroshenko, Liubov (Yaroslavl State University, Russia):
The Effectiveness of EU Democratizing Strategies towards Non-Member States (based on a case study of Moldova, Russian Federation and Ukraine, 1994 - 2007)
Additional papers
Bürkle, Erika (School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, England):
Systemic Framework in Environment in Russia. The Case of Oil
Hasibovic, Sanin/ Nickel, Manja (University of Vienna, Department of Political Science, Vienna / University Vienna, Institute for Political Science):
Governance of Domestic Violence in Central and South-Eastern Europe
Semsit, Suhal (Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey):
Europeanisation of Migration Policies in the EU Accession Process:A Comparative Analysis of Poland and Turkey
» Länder-Analysen
» Eastern Europe - Analytical Digests
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